首页> 外文期刊>Electrophoresis: The Official Journal of the International Electrophoresis Society >A rapid CZE method for the analysis of benzodiazepines in spiked beverages.

A rapid CZE method for the analysis of benzodiazepines in spiked beverages.


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A rapid CZE method was developed for the simultaneous determination of nine benzodiazepines in spiked beverages (nitrazepam oxazepam, alprazolam, flunitrazepam, temazepam, diazepam, 7-aminoflunitrazepam, 7-aminonitrazepam and 7-aminoclonazepam). The method employed a double-coated capillary coated with poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) and then dextran sulphate. The BGE conditions were 100 mM ammonium phosphate buffer, pH 2.5, which gave baseline resolution between consecutive peaks and a run time of less than 6.5 min. This method offers improvements in both resolution and run time, compared to those attained under analogous conditions with an uncoated capillary. The validated method was successfully applied to beverages that had been spiked with benzodiazepines at concentrations simulating prescription tablets. No sample pretreatment was required to quantify five benzodiazepines in Coca-Cola, orange juice, beer, bourbon and Bacardi. The exception was white wine, where the complex sample matrix did not enable the accurate quantification of nitrazepam.
机译:建立了一种快速CZE方法,用于同时测定加标饮料中的九种苯并二氮杂(硝西epa,奥氮西m,阿普唑仑,氟尼西epa,替马西m,地西epa,7-氨基氟尼西epa,7-氨基硝西epa和7-氨基氯硝西am)。该方法采用涂有聚(二烯丙基二甲基氯化铵),然后是硫酸葡聚糖的双层毛细管。 BGE条件为100 mM磷酸铵缓冲液,pH 2.5,可在连续峰之间实现基线分离,运行时间少于6.5分钟。与在类似条件下使用无涂层毛细管获得的结果相比,该方法在分离度和运行时间方面均得到了改善。经过验证的方法已成功应用于掺有模拟处方药片浓度的苯二氮卓类饮料的饮料。无需样品前处理即可定量可口可乐,橙汁,啤酒,波旁威士忌和百加得中的五种苯并二氮杂pine。白葡萄酒除外,白葡萄酒中复杂的样品基质无法准确定量硝西epa。



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