首页> 外文期刊>Earthquake and structures: An International journal of earthquake engineering & earthquake effects on structures >Magneto-rheological and passive damper combinations for seismic mitigation of building structures

Magneto-rheological and passive damper combinations for seismic mitigation of building structures


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Building structures generally have inherent low damping capability and hence are vulnerable to seismic excitations. Control devices therefore play a useful role in providing safety to building structures subject to seismic events. In recent years semi-active dampers have gained considerable attention as structural control devices in the building construction industry. Magneto-rheological (MR) damper, a type of semi-active damper has proven to be effective in seismic mitigation of building structures. MR dampers contain a controllable MR fluid whose rheological properties vary rapidly with the applied magnetic field. Although some research has been carried out on the use of MR dampers in building structures, optimal design of MR damper and combined use of MR and passive dampers for real scale buildings has hardly been investigated.
机译:建筑结构通常具有固有的低阻尼能力,因此容易受到地震激发。因此,控制设备在为遭受地震事件的建筑结构提供安全性方面发挥着有用的作用。近年来,半主动阻尼器作为建筑施工行业中的结构控制设备已引起了广泛的关注。磁流变(MR)阻尼器是一种半主动阻尼器,已被证明可有效缓解建筑结构的地震。 MR阻尼器包含可控的MR流体,其流变性随施加的磁场而迅速变化。尽管已经对在建筑结构中使用MR阻尼器进行了一些研究,但几乎没有研究过MR阻尼器的优化设计以及在实际规模的建筑物中MR和被动阻尼器的组合使用。



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