首页> 外文期刊>Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The journal of the British Geomorphological Research Group >Impacts of river restoration on small-wood dynamics in a low-gradient headwater stream

Impacts of river restoration on small-wood dynamics in a low-gradient headwater stream


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Wood is an important element in many river systems, interacting with channel and floodplain geomorphology, hydrology and ecology. Restoration practices are increasingly re-introducing wood into streams and researchers have started to study the geomorphic and ecological effects of re-introducing wood into rivers. However, little research has attempted to quantify the impacts of river restoration (including the addition of wood jams) on wood retention. Based on tracing dowels to simulate small wood (ranging in length from 0.184 to 1.06 m and diameter from 0.006 to 0.035 m) in three study reaches before and after restoration, this study provides a detailed representation of the influence of restoration on small-wood transport and the relative importance of different trapping sites within a low-order meandering stream in the New Forest, UK. The research specifically addresses the following questions. (i) Does restoration reduce transport of small wood? (ii) Does restoration increase the frequency and type of small-wood trapping sites? (iii) Do wood jams trap more small wood than other trapping sites? (iv) Do shorter pieces of wood travel further than long pieces? The study has demonstrated that (i) different types of restoration have different effects on the frequency and type of small-wood trapping mechanisms, and hence also on small-wood transport; (ii) wood jams were the most effective structures for trapping small wood in this environment; (iii) shorter pieces of wood travelled further than long pieces. Channel-floodplain interactions were also found to be important, allowing the floodplain to function as a trapping site. Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:木材是许多河流系统中的重要元素,它与河床和洪泛区的地貌,水文和生态相互作用。恢复实践越来越多地将木材重新引入河流,研究人员已开始研究将木材重新引入河流的地貌和生态效应。但是,很少有研究试图量化河流恢复(包括添加木塞)对木材保留的影响。基于追踪销钉模拟恢复前后三个研究阶段的小木材(长度从0.184到1.06 m,直径从0.006到0.035 m),该研究提供了恢复对小木材运输的影响的详细表示。以及英国新森林低阶蜿蜒流中不同诱捕地点的相对重要性。该研究专门解决以下问题。 (i)修复会减少小木材的运输吗? (ii)恢复是否增加了小木料诱捕地点的频率和类型? (iii)果酱是否比其他诱捕地点捕获更多的小木材? (iv)短木块比长木块走得更远吗?研究表明:(i)不同类型的修复对小木料诱捕机制的频率和类型以及小木料运输有不同的影响; (ii)在这种环境下,木塞是捕获小木块最有效的结构; (iii)短木块比长木块走得更远。渠道与泛滥平原之间的相互作用也很重要,这使得泛洪平原可以充当诱集地点。版权所有(c)2007 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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