首页> 外文期刊>Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The journal of the British Geomorphological Research Group >Micro-geomorphology determines community structure of biological soil crusts at small scales

Micro-geomorphology determines community structure of biological soil crusts at small scales


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Biological soil crusts (BSCs) are ubiquitous communities of diminutive organisms such as cyanobacteria, green algae, lichens, mosses and others associated closely with particles of surface soil, forming a cohesive thin horizontal layer. The ecological roles of BSCs affecting soil nutrient cycling, stability and hydrological processes, influencing the germination and establishment of vascular plants, and serving as habitats for numerous arthropods and microorganism have been well documented. We tested the hypothesis that micro-geomorphological features determine the spatial distribution of BSCs by reallocating related abiotic resources at small-and medium-scales in the Tengger Desert. Our results showed that higher soil pH and higher total potassium content in topsoil positively correlated with the colonization of cyanobacteria and algae in the earliest successional stages of BSCs, while increasing dust deposition onto the topsoil enhanced the development of lichen and mosses in the later stages of BSCs. Increasing soil moisture raised the proportion of mosses and lichen in BSCs, this will possibly change the ecological functions of BSCs, such as nitrogen-fixation by cyanobacteria, due to the conversion from a complex to relative simple type of BSC. Micro-geomorphology has created various habitats at a small-scale affecting colonization and development of cryptogams. This paper considers the contribution of micro-geomorphology to biodiversity in the extreme arid desert systems.
机译:生物土壤结皮(BSCs)是普遍存在的小型生物群落,例如蓝细菌,绿藻,地衣,苔藓和其他与表层土壤颗粒紧密相关的生物,形成一个粘性的水平薄层。 BSCs的生态作用影响土壤养分循环,稳定性和水文过程,影响维管植物的发芽和定植,并作为许多节肢动物和微生物的栖息地。我们测试了以下假设:通过在腾格里沙漠中小范围重新分配相关的非生物资源,微地貌特征决定了BSC的空间分布。我们的研究结果表明,在BSC的早期演替阶段,表层土壤中较高的土壤pH和较高的总钾含量与蓝细菌和藻类的定殖呈正相关,而在表层土壤中增加粉尘沉积则促进了后期地衣和苔藓的发育。 BSC。土壤水分的增加会增加BSC中苔藓和地衣的比例,这可能会改变BSC的生态功能,例如蓝藻固氮,这是由于BSC从复杂类型转换为相对简单类型。微观地貌学在小范围内创造了各种栖息地,从而影响了隐球菌的定殖和发育。本文考虑了极端干旱沙漠系统中微观地貌对生物多样性的贡献。



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