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Erosional unloading, hillslope geometry, and the height of the Cascade Range, Washington State, USA


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Peaks in the Cascade Range in northern Washington State are on average similar to 800 On higher than in southern Washington. The influences of differential valley excavation and variations in hillslope length and average slope on these altitudinal trends were tested using a 3-dimensional model for isostatic rock uplift and calculations of hillslope length and slope respectively. The magnitude of isostatic peak uplift calculated by the model is highly dependent on the flexural rigidity (D) and the related effective elastic thickness (T-e) of the crust of this region. Crustal rigidity was constrained using published estimates and by estimating the depth of the seismogenic zone in the area (D > 1 x 10(23) Nm and T-e > 24 km). With these constraints, isostatic compensation due to differential erosion added < 700 m and 300 m, or < 25% overall, of height to peaks in the northern and southern Cascades, respectively. Deeper valley incision in the northern Cascades accounts for < 300 On of the 800 m difference in peak altitudes between north and south. Similarly, variation in valley spacing and slope account for < 350 m of the difference in mean altitude between northern and southern regions. Hence, at least several hundred m difference in altitude between the northern and southern regions of the Cascades in Washington must be clue to tectonic, geologic, or geophysical factors rather than surficial and geomorphic effects like isostatic response to valley incision and hillslope geometry.
机译:华盛顿州北部的喀斯喀特山脉的山顶平均水平比华盛顿南部的高峰高800 On。利用三维等静压岩石模型并分别计算了山坡长度和坡度,测试了差异谷开挖以及山坡长度和平均坡度变化对这些海拔趋势的影响。该模型计算出的等静峰隆起的幅度高度取决于该区域地壳的抗弯刚度(D)和相关的有效弹性厚度(T-e)。地壳刚度是使用已公开的估算值以及通过估算该地区地震发生带的深度来约束的(D> 1 x 10(23)Nm,T-e> 24 km)。在这些限制条件下,由于微分侵蚀引起的等静压补偿分别在北部和南部喀斯喀特山脉的山峰上增加了<700 m和300 m,或总高度的<25%。北部喀斯喀特山脉北部较深的山谷切口造成了<300 On,这是南北之间峰值高度的差异。同样,山谷间距和坡度的变化占北部和南部地区平均海拔高度差异的<350 m。因此,华盛顿喀斯喀特山脉北部和南部地区之间至少有几百米的海拔差异必须是构造,地质或地球物理因素的线索,而不是诸如对山谷切口和山坡几何形状的静力响应之类的表面和地貌效应。



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