首页> 外文期刊>Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The journal of the British Geomorphological Research Group >Modelling the effect of vegetation on channel pattern in bedload rivers

Modelling the effect of vegetation on channel pattern in bedload rivers


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We modify a simple numerical steam-pattern model to examine the effect of sediment stabilization by roots on the channel pattern of bedload rivers. In the model, vegetation enhances bank resistance to erosion, causing the development of a single channel instead of a rapidly changing, multiple channel (braided) pattern. Net aggradation resulting from a high sediment supply, however, causes frequent avulsions that destroy vegetation locally, leading to the development of a multiple-channel pattern. A stability diagram representing multiple model runs predicts whether a river will exhibit single or multiple channels, based on plant-enhanced bank strength, and on the time scale of plant development relative to a time scale for change in unvegetated channels. A second stability diagram predicts the way in which the amplitude and period of a fluctuating imposed sediment load influence whether a single or multiple*channel pattern develops.



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