首页> 外文期刊>Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The journal of the British Geomorphological Research Group >Tree-age control on reconstructed debris-flow frequencies: examples from a regional dendrogeomorphic reconstruction in the Crimean Mountains

Tree-age control on reconstructed debris-flow frequencies: examples from a regional dendrogeomorphic reconstruction in the Crimean Mountains


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The Crimean Mountains (Ukraine) are renowned for the highest occurrence of debris flows along the northern coast of the Black Sea, but information on their origin, frequency and triggers is widely lacking. This study reconstructs a regional time series of debris flows in eight catchments located on the slopes above Yalta. Dendrogeomorphic analyses were performed on 1122 increment cores selected from 566 black pines (Pinus nigra ssp. pallasiana) with clear signs of external damage induced by past debris-flow activity. The trees sampled were divided into old and young trees. The sample contains 361 young trees with post-1930 innermost rings and 205 old trees with pre-1930 germination dates. The two groups of trees were analyzed separately to identify possible age effects in the reconstructed debris-flow series and to assess the ability of P. nigra to record geomorphic disturbances over time. We date a total of 215 debris flows back to ad 1701 and observe a mean decadal frequency of 6.9 events, with a peak in activity during the 1940s (20 events). The young trees record an increase in debris-flow activity over the last 70years, whereas the frequency of events remained fairly constant in the old trees for the same period. By contrast, the formation of reaction wood became increasingly scarce with increasing tree age whereas the occurrence of abrupt growth suppression increased. Copyright (c) 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:克里米亚山脉(乌克兰)以黑海北部沿海地区泥石流的发生率最高而著称,但人们普遍缺乏有关其起源,频率和触发因素的信息。这项研究重建了位于雅尔塔上方斜坡上的八个集水区的泥石流区域时间序列。对选自566个黑松(Pinus nigra ssp。pallasiana)的1122个增量岩心进行了树状形态分析,这些岩心清楚地表明了过去泥石流活动引起的外部破坏。采样的树木分为老树和幼树。该样本包含361棵1930年后最内圈的幼树和205棵1930年前发芽日期的老树。分别分析了两组树木,以确定在重建的泥石流序列中可能的年龄影响,并评估黑黑线虫随时间记录地貌干扰的能力。我们估计总共有215块泥石流流回广告1701,观测到的平均年代际频率为6.9个事件,而活动的峰值在1940年代(20个事件)期间达到峰值。在过去的70年中,幼树记录了泥石流活动的增加,而同期老树的事件发生频率保持相当恒定。相反,随着树木年龄的增加,反应木材的形成变得越来越稀缺,而突然生长抑制的发生增加了。版权所有(c)2014 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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