首页> 外文期刊>Ecology, Environment and Conservation >Buffering capacity of soils under different land use systems in southern transitional Zone of Karnataka

Buffering capacity of soils under different land use systems in southern transitional Zone of Karnataka


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Buffering capacity of soils was more in surface soil than in subsurface soil in all land use systems. However in subsurface horizons buffering capacity increased with depth in all the soil profiles due to increase in both clay and free iron oxides contents (Baruah and Barthakur, 1998). Among the soils studied buffering capacity was comparatively more in the soil under mixed forest [0.76 C.mol (p~+) kg~(-1)] land use system and this could be attributed to the high organic matter, clay, free iron oxides and bicarbonates content (Brady, 1990). Whereas the soils under sugarcane and tobacco land use systems recorded lowest [0.45 and 0.47 C.mol (p+) kg~(-1) respectively] buffering capacity due to their coarse textured nature with low content of both freeiron oxides and organic matter. Correlation study indicated that buffering capacity of soil was significantly and negatively correlated with both the sand (-0.703**) and exchangeable acidic cations (-0.522**). While with silt (0.551**), clay (0.583**), soil organic carbon (0.489**), pHw (0.641**) free iron oxides (0.528**), exchangeable basic cations (0.472**), bicarbonates a (0.612**) and dehydrogenase (0.670**) it was positively and significantly correlated.
机译:在所有土地利用系统中,表层土壤的土壤缓冲能力比表层土壤更大。然而,由于粘土和游离氧化铁含量的增加,在地下表层,缓冲能力随着深度的增加而增加(Baruah和Barthakur,1998)。在研究的土壤中,在混合森林[0.76 C.mol(p〜+)kg〜(-1)]土地利用系统下,土壤的缓冲能力相对较高,这可能归因于高有机质,粘土,游离铁氧化物和碳酸氢盐含量(布拉迪,1990年)。甘蔗和烟草土地利用系统下的土壤具有最低的缓冲能力[分别为0.45和0.47 C.mol(p +)kg〜(-1)],这是由于其粗糙的质构性质以及游离铁氧化物和有机物的含量较低。相关性研究表明,土壤的缓冲能力与沙子(-0.703 **)和可交换的酸性阳离子(-0.522 **)呈显着负相关。含淤泥(0.551 **),粘土(0.583 **),土壤有机碳(0.489 **),pHw(0.641 **)的游离铁氧化物(0.528 **),可交换的碱性阳离子(0.472 **)和碳酸氢盐a(0.612 **)和脱氢酶(0.670 **)呈正相关且显着相关。



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