首页> 外文期刊>Ecology, Environment and Conservation >Effect of geometric parameters of spur dike and depth-placed riprap on its failure threshold in a 90° flume bend

Effect of geometric parameters of spur dike and depth-placed riprap on its failure threshold in a 90° flume bend


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Spur dikes are one of the most effective and economical structural methods, which are generally used to protect riverbanks against erosion. Nowadays, in addition to protection of rivers' bank, spur dikes are also used for improving the environmental conditions along a riverbank. One of the important topics regarding this type of river structure is their protection against scouring around their pier noses that has been less studied. Riprap is a simple and economic way for protection of spur dikes against scouring. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of geometric parameters of spur dike and depth-placed riprap for dike protection on the threshold failure of riprap and the consequent stability of spur dike in a 90° bend. In order to achieve the research objectives, one riprap size of 3/8 inch diameter was used. Ripraps were placed in 3 depths (Y/D50 =2,4,6), also 3 lengths of spur dike(15%,20% and 25% width of the flume), three spur dike angles (60,90 and 120 degree) and three dike spaces (3,5 and 7 times of spur length) were used as different variables in this study. The standards of Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers were the main base for selecting the variable ranges. The results showed that the critical velocity at the riprap threshold failure increased by increasing the depth-placed riprap and the spur dike angle and decreased by increasing the spur dike length and space between dikes.
机译:丁坝是最有效,最经济的结构方法之一,通常用于保护河岸不受侵蚀。如今,除了保护河岸外,丁坝还被用于改善河岸的环境条件。关于这种河道结构的重要主题之一是如何防止其在河床鼻尖附近的擦伤,这一点研究较少。 Riprap是一种简单而经济的保护丁坝免遭冲刷的方法。这项研究的目的是研究丁坝的几何参数和用于堤防的深度放置的riprap对riprap阈值破坏的影响以及由此产生的丁坝在90°弯曲中的稳定性。为了达到研究目的,使用了一种直径为3/8英寸的翻录尺寸。将裂果放置在3个深度(Y / D50 = 2、4、6)中,还放置3个丁字丁丁(水槽宽度的15%,20%和25%),三个丁丁丁字角(60、90和120度) )和三个堤防空间(支线长度的3,5和7倍)用作本研究的不同变量。联邦公路管理局(FHWA)和美国陆军工程兵团的标准是选择可变范围的主要依据。结果表明,通过增加深度放置的riprap和丁坝的角度,在riprap阈值失效处的临界速度会增加,而通过增加丁坝的长度和堤坝之间的间距会降低临界速度。



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