首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin du Cancer: Journal de l'Association Francaise pour l'Etude du Cancer >Home-based zoledronic acid infusion therapy in patients with solid tumours: Compliance and patient-nurse satisfaction [Traitement à domicile par l'acide zolédronique chez des patients atteints de tumeurs solides : Observance et satisfaction du patient et de l'infirmier]

Home-based zoledronic acid infusion therapy in patients with solid tumours: Compliance and patient-nurse satisfaction [Traitement à domicile par l'acide zolédronique chez des patients atteints de tumeurs solides : Observance et satisfaction du patient et de l'infirmier]


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Purpose. To explore patient and nurse satisfaction, compliance with best practice, technical feasibility and safety of home infusion of a bisphosphonate. Methods. Prospective 1-year survey of home zoledronic acid therapy (4 mg, 15-min intraveinous, every three to four weeks) in patients with bone metastases secondary to a solid malignancy. A physician questionnaire, nurse satisfaction/feasibility questionnaire and patient satisfaction questionnaire were administered. Results. Physician participation rate: 56.5% (87/154); 818 patients included; 381 predominantly community nurses; 763/788 case report forms meeting inclusion criteria. Patient characteristics: median age, 68 years (30-95); M/F, 40/60; ECOG-PS 0 or 1, 78.6%; primary tumour site: breast (55.2%), prostate (28.4%), lung (7.2%), other (9.4%). Nurse satisfaction rates: 90.9% (organization of home ZOL therapy); 96.7% (ease of infusion); 97.5% (patient-nurse relationship); 73% (relationship with hospital staff). Patient satisfaction rates: 95.3% overall; 57.6% (quality of the nursepatient relationship); 68.8% (less travel/waiting); 52.9% (consideration for home environment). Treatment tolerance: 33.63% (discontinuation due to adverse events); 0.6% (osteonecrosis of the jaw); 0.2% fractures. Practitioner compliance with best practice: 76.7% to 83.7% (recommended and/or tolerated dosage), 73% (dental hygiene checks at inclusion; 48 to 56% thereafter); 66% (pre-infusion hydration); often undocumented for calcium/vitamin D supplementation. Conclusion. Home zoledronic acid treatment was well tolerated. There was a very high level of both patient and nurse satisfaction with home therapy. However, better compliance with best practice should be encouraged.
机译:目的。探索患者和护士的满意度,最佳实践的遵守情况,技术可行性和双磷酸盐家庭输液的安全性。方法。对因实体恶性肿瘤继发骨转移的患者进行家庭唑来膦酸治疗(4 mg,静脉内15分钟,每三至四周)的为期1年的前瞻性调查。管理医生问卷,护士满意度/可行性问卷和患者满意度问卷。结果。医生参与率:56.5%(87/154);其中包括818例患者; 381名社区护士;符合纳入标准的763/788病例报告表。患者特征:中位年龄68岁(30-95岁); M / F,40/60; ECOG-PS 0或1,78.6%;原发肿瘤部位:乳房(55.2%),前列腺癌(28.4%),肺部(7.2%),其他(9.4%)。护士满意度:90.9%(家庭ZOL治疗的组织); 96.7%(易于输注); 97.5%(患者与护士的关系); 73%(与医院工作人员的关系)。患者满意度:总体95.3%; 57.6%(护理关系的质量); 68.8%(减少旅行/等待时间); 52.9%(考虑家庭环境)。治疗耐受性:33.63%(由于不良事件而停药); 0.6%(颌骨骨坏死); 0.2%的骨折。从业人员遵守最佳实践的比率:76.7%至83.7%(推荐和/或耐受剂量),73%(包括口腔健康检查;其后为48-56%); 66%(输注前水化);经常不记录钙/维生素D的补充。结论。家庭唑来膦酸治疗耐受性良好。患者和护士对家庭疗法的满意度都很高。但是,应该鼓励更好地遵循最佳实践。



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