首页> 外文期刊>Invertebrate biology >Behavioral and morphological aspects of decorating in Oregonia gracilis (Brachyura: Majoidea)

Behavioral and morphological aspects of decorating in Oregonia gracilis (Brachyura: Majoidea)


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Decorator crabs (Brachyura: Majoidea) are known for attaching sessile organisms to specialized velcro-like hooked setae. Here we describe behavioral and morphological aspects of decorating for a common northern Pacific majoid, Oregonia gracilis. Members of O. gracilis decorate with a diverse array of sessile organisms. These are attached to hooked setae, and also physically interact with long, pappose setae that occur in the same body re_gions as hooked setae. We describe these pappose setae and document the occurrence of similar setae in 36 other decorating majoids across seven families. In O. gracilis, the density of pappose and hooked setae independently covary with decoration amount, which is sexually dimorphic_ juveniles and adult females decorate heavily, whereas adult males decorate sparsely. Adult males have reduced numbers of hooked and pappose setae, but the ontoge_netic patterns for the two setal types are different, suggesting that they are quasi-independent characters. We experimentally ablated pappose setae to ask if they functionally contribute to decorating in O. gracilis. Surprisingly, we found that pappose setae are not necessary for decorating under laboratory conditions. Pappose setae could play an auxiliary mechanical role or a sensory role in decorating, or may have another as-yet-unidentified function distinct from decorating.
机译:装饰蟹(Brachyura:Majoidea)以将固着生物附着在像魔术贴一样的钩状钩状刚毛上而闻名。在这里,我们描述了一种常见的北太平洋强吻鱼Oregonia gracilis的装饰行为和形态方面。细叶O.cilcilis的成员用各种各样的无柄生物进行装饰。它们附着在钩状刚毛上,并与钩状刚毛在相同的身体区域中发生的长而刚毛的齿状刚毛发生物理相互作用。我们描述了这些刚毛的刚毛,并记录了七个家族中其他36个装饰假人中类似刚毛的发生。在O. gracilis,木偶和钩状刚毛的密度随装饰量而独立变化,这是性二态性的幼体,成年雌性则大量装饰,而成年雄性则稀疏。成年雄性的钩形和乳头刚毛数量减少,但两种setal类型的tonet_netic模式不同,表明它们是拟独立性。我们通过实验消融了乳头刚毛科植物,以询问它们是否在功能上有助于香茅的装饰。出乎意料的是,我们发现在实验室条件下装饰不需要木瓜刚毛。冠毛刚毛可能在装饰中起辅助的机械作用或感觉作用,或者可能具有与装饰不同的另一种尚未确定的功能。



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