首页> 外文期刊>Echocardiography. >Worsening of Left Ventricular End-Systolic Volume and Mitral Regurgitation without Increase in Left Ventricular Dyssynchrony on Acute Interruption of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

Worsening of Left Ventricular End-Systolic Volume and Mitral Regurgitation without Increase in Left Ventricular Dyssynchrony on Acute Interruption of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy


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Background: Responders to cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) have greater left ventricular (LV) dyssynchrony than nonresponders prior to CRT. Aim: We conducted this study to see whether the long term responders have more worsening of LV dyssynchrony and LV function on acute interruption of CRT. Materials and Methods: We identified 22 responders and 13 nonresponders who received CRT as per standard criteria for 23.73 ?9 months (median 24.5 months). We assessed the acute change in LV function, mitral regurgitation (MR) and compared LV dyssynchrony in CRT on and off modes. Results: On turning off CRT, there was no significant worsening of LV dyssynchrony in both responders and nonresponders. The dyssynchrony measurements by SPWMD, TDI and 3D echocardiography did not correlate significantly. LVESV increased (p ? 0.02) and MR (p = 0.01) worsened in CRT-offmode in responders only without significant change in LVEF or LV dimensions. Discussion and Conclusion: In long-term responders to CRT, there is alteration in the function of remodeled LV with acute interruption of CRT, without significant worsening of LV dyssynchrony. The role of different echocardiographic parameters in the assessment of LV dyssynchrony remains controversial. Even after long-term CRT reversely remodels the LV, the therapy needs to be continued uninterrupted for sustained benefits.
机译:背景:心脏再同步治疗(CRT)的响应者比CRT之前的非响应者更严重的左心室(LV)不同步。目的:我们进行了这项研究,以观察长期反应者是否在急性CRT中断时使左室不同步和左室功能更加恶化。材料和方法:根据标准标准,我们确定了接受CRT的22位响应者和13位无响应者,持续时间为23.73±9个月(中位数24.5个月)。我们评估了左室功能,二尖瓣关闭不全(MR)的急性变化,并比较了CRT开和关模式下的左室不同步。结果:关闭CRT时,无论是反应者还是非反应者,LV的不同步都没有明显恶化。 SPWMD,TDI和3D超声心动图测量的不同步性之间无显着相关性。只有在LVEF或LV尺寸没有明显变化的情况下,响应者在CRT-off模式下LVESV升高(p≥0.02)和MR(p = 0.01)恶化。讨论和结论:在长期对CRT的应答者中,重塑的LV的功能发生了改变,并伴有CRT的急性中断,而LV的不同步性却没有明显恶化。不同的超声心动图参数在评估左室不同步性中的作用仍存在争议。即使长期CRT对LV进行了重塑,也需要不间断地继续治疗以获得持续的益处。



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