首页> 外文期刊>Ecological engineering: The Journal of Ecotechnology >Enhancing ecosystem services on the landscape with created, constructed and restored wetlands

Enhancing ecosystem services on the landscape with created, constructed and restored wetlands


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Wetlands are far more important in the biosphere than their 5-7% of the landscape suggests (Mitsch et al., 2009). Wetlands are extremely diverse not only for their physical characteristics and geographical distribution but also within particular landscape units such as floodplains, mires or marshes (Maltby, 2009). This variation supports biodiversity and provides goals and services of economic and social benefits (Tables 1 and 2). Economic valuation of ecosystem services is becoming more widely used to understand the multiple benefits provided by ecosystems (Guo et al., 2001; Chen et al., 2009). Ecosystem services represent the benefits that living organisms obtain directly or indirectly from the ecosystem (Costanza et al., 1997; Zedler and Kercher, 2005). Wetlands provide many important services to human society, but are at the same time ecologically sensitive and adaptive systems. This explains why in recent years much attention has been directed towards the formulation and operation of sustainable management strategies for wetlands (Turner et al., 2000).
机译:湿地在生物圈中的重要性远远超过其所占景观的5-7%(Mitsch等,2009)。湿地不仅在物理特征和地理分布上而且在特定的景观单元内(如洪泛区,泥潭或沼泽地)都极为多样化(Maltby,2009)。这种变化支持生物多样性,并提供经济和社会效益的目标和服务(表1和表2)。生态系统服务的经济估值正越来越广泛地用于理解生态系统所带来的多重利益(Guo等,2001; Chen等,2009)。生态系统服务代表了生物体直接或间接地从生态系统中获得的收益(Costanza等,1997; Zedler和Kercher,2005)。湿地为人类社会提供了许多重要的服务,但同时又是生态敏感和适应性强的系统。这就解释了为什么近年来,人们越来越关注湿地可持续管理战略的制定和实施(Turner等,2000)。



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