首页> 外文期刊>Ecological engineering: The Journal of Ecotechnology >An investigation of the limits of phosphorus removal in wetlandsUSaa mesocosm study of a shallow periphyton-dominated treatment system

An investigation of the limits of phosphorus removal in wetlandsUSaa mesocosm study of a shallow periphyton-dominated treatment system


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The performance of a mesocosm-scale experimental wetland system (9-cm deep raceways with a limerock substrate followed by a limerock filter) that received effluent from a treatment wetland in south Florida was monitored for 19 months.The raceways were operated at a constant hydraulic load of 11 cm per day,resulting in a nominal hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 0.8 days.The vegetation community that developed in these systems varied along the longitudinal phosphorus (P) gradient and became dominated by eutrophic periphyton at the inflow (Cladophora and Microspora) and oligotrophic taxa along the raceway's mid-regions and outflow (Schizothrix and Scytonema).The inflow total P (TP) concentration (mean = 18 mugPL~(-1)) was reduced to a mean of 10 (mug P L~(-1) at the raceway outflow and 8 mug P L~(-1) exiting the limerock filters.Total P removal for the entire system was 0.32 g m~2 per year,or 46% of the inflow TP load,and uptake rates (k values) were 24 and 32 m per year for the raceway and the raceway/limerock filter system,respectively.Most TP removal occurred within the first 3 m of the raceways at an HRT of 1.3 h.Both soluble reactive and particulate P were reduced to their analytical detection limits,while dissolved organic P was removed less efficiently.There was little evidence for a diel trend in P removal.Following a 1-week dry-out,the raceways exported P for only 24 h after rehydration,after which treatment performance quickly returned to pre-desiccation levels.Nutrient ratios suggest that the raceways were never N-limited and that P limitation increased with distance from the inflow ports.Accrued sediment had a high percentage of non-labile P (>70%).A number of operational and construction issues need to be resolved before this technology could be scaled up for use in conjunction with Everglades restoration.
机译:监测了中南部规模的实验湿地系统(9厘米深的水道,带石灰岩基质,然后加上石灰岩滤池)的性能,该系统从佛罗里达州南部的一个处理湿地中接收了污水,进行了19个月的监测。每天11厘米的负荷,导致名义水力停留时间(HRT)为0.8天。在这些系统中发育的植被群落沿纵向磷(P)梯度变化,并在流入处被富营养化的附生植物所占据(Cladophora和小孢子)和沿跑道中部流出的少营养类群(裂殖藻和胞胞菌)。流入的总P(TP)浓度(平均值= 18 mugPL〜(-1))降低至平均值10(杯子PL〜( -1)在滚道流出处,有8杯PL〜(-1)从石灰岩过滤器中排出。整个系统的总P去除量为每年0.32 gm〜2,占流入TP负荷的46%,吸收率(k值)分别为滚道每年24和32 m在HRT为1.3 h的情况下,大多数的TP去除发生在赛道的前3 m内,可溶性反应物和颗粒物P均降低至分析检测限,而溶解性有机物P的去除较少几乎没有证据表明磷的去除呈diel趋势。在缺水1周后,水道在补液后仅24小时输出P,此后处理性能迅速恢复到脱水前的水平。营养比表明:滚道永远不会受到N限制,并且P限制会随着与进水口距离的增加而增加。累积的沉积物具有很高的不稳定P(> 70%)百分比。使用此技术之前需要解决许多运营和施工问题可以放大以与Everglades修复结合使用。



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