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Enabling geoscientists to do more while spending less


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Modeling tool allows 3-D geoscience mapping with increased accuracy of reservoir interpretation. As focus moves from exploration to production optimization, asset teams turn their attention to maximizing recoveries while reducing cycle time and driving down production costs. Getting the most out of data across multiple domains, finding improved methods to interpret and integrate geological and seismic data critical to maximizing reservoir understanding, and finding new ways of mapping and visualizing assets are critical to achieving this. What was once considered high-science technology for the "specialist" is now a daily requirement for use by all members of the asset team. GeoGraphix 2015 seeks to address these challenges. Over the last 31 years it has evolved from a DOS-based mapping tool to a fully functional integrated 3-D geoscience system. The tool can reduce the cycle time of prospecting to production through integration between domains in addition to increasing the accuracy of reservoir interpretation through 3-D geomodeling to bring domains together in time or depth. As such, the tool enables viewing a cohesive 3-D scene for improved decision-making.
机译:建模工具允许通过3D地球科学制图,提高储层解释的准确性。随着工作重点从勘探转向生产优化,资产团队将注意力转向最大化采收率,同时减少周期时间并降低生产成本。充分利用跨多个领域的数据,找到改进的方法来解释和整合对最大化储层理解至关重要的地质和地震数据,以及找到新的方法来绘制和可视化资产对实现这一目标至关重要。曾经被视为“专家”的高科技技术现在已成为资产团队所有成员日常使用的要求。 GeoGraphix 2015致力于解决这些挑战。在过去的31年中,它已经从基于DOS的地图绘制工具发展成为功能齐全的集成3D地球科学系统。该工具不仅可以通过区域之间的集成来减少探矿的周期时间,而且可以通过3-D地理建模将区域在时间或深度上整合在一起,从而提高储层解释的准确性。这样,该工具可以查看具有凝聚力的3D场景,以改善决策。



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