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Phytoplankton bloom effects on a Gulf estuary: Water quality changes and biological response


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A long-term (16-year) study addressed the relationship of the trophic organization of a river-dominated Gulf of Mexico estuary (Perdido River-Bay system) with interannual trends of freshwater input, nutrient loading, and biological controlling features. The purpose of this study was to determine the long-term consequences of anthropogenic nutrient loading on a river estuarine system with an emphasis on the origin and impacts of a series of plankton blooms that were directly linked with nutrient loading to the Perdido drainage system. A multidisciplinary database was used to determine responses of plankton assemblages and associated coastal food webs to natural and anthropogenic nutrient loading. Orthophosphate and ammonia loading from a pulp mill into Elevenmile Creek and the bay generated a series of plankton blooms dominated by diatoms, raphidophytes, dinoflagellates, and cyanobacteria. Blooms followed species-specific seasonal patterns. Interannual phytoplankton trends were associated with nutrient loading and rainfall cycles. Blue-green algae blooms (Merismopedia tenuissima) in the receiving Elevenmile Creek were enhanced by drought conditions. There were statistical associations of reduced biological activity with the Merismopedia blooms. In the bay, initial diatom blooms were replaced by raphidophytes and dinoflagellates in time. Bloom effects on phytoplankton assemblages included initial reductions of species richness/diversity and direct/indirect replacement processes. Long-term changes of plankton blooms indicated complex adaptive processes that led to nonlinear responses to nutrient loading and time-based alterations of interspecific relationships. Blooms and related changes in phytoplankton composition were accompanied by loss of fish and invertebrate populations and altered food web processes. Raphidophyte (Heterosigma akashiwo) and dinoflagellate (Prorocentrum cordatum) blooms in the bay were statistically associated with reduced invertebrate and fish populations and disruptions of bay food webs. Reduced nutrient loading by the pulp mill resulted in diminished bay plankton blooms and partial recovery of infaunal macroinvertebrates. However, nutrient loading from a second source in the upper bay during later years was associated with increased bloom activity. This was added to reduced benthic invertebrate and fish assemblages in deeper bay areas affected by hypoxia caused by salinity stratification. Lower Perdido Bay was adversely affected by nonpoint source runoff from agricultural and urban sources with diminished water quality and loss of sediment organisms. Cumulative impacts due to anthropogenic nutrient loading from multiple sources and associated plankton blooms, along with altered physicochemical conditions due to a dredged opening at the bay terminus, resulted in widespread reductions of secondary productivity in Perdido Bay. Long-term trends of bay productivity are the result of interactions of natural climatological cycles and anthropogenic activities.
机译:一项长期(16年)研究解决了以河为主导的墨西哥湾河口(Perdido River-Bay系统)的营养组织与淡水输入,养分含量和生物控制特征的年际趋势之间的关系。这项研究的目的是确定人为养分负荷对河流河口系统的长期影响,重点是与养分负荷直接关联到Perdido排水系统的一系列浮游生物的起源和影响。多学科数据库用于确定浮游生物组合和相关的沿海食物网对自然和人为养分负荷的响应。来自制浆厂的正磷酸盐和氨水装载到Elevenmile Creek和海湾中,产生了一系列浮游生物水华,其中硅藻,水生藻类,鞭毛藻和蓝藻占主导地位。花朵遵循特定物种的季节性模式。年际浮游植物趋势与养分含量和降雨周期有关。受干旱影响,接收到的十一英里溪中的蓝藻藻华(Merismopedia tenuissima)得到增强。有统计学上的联系,认为生物活性降低与梅里梅花盛开有关。在海湾中,最初的硅藻花被及时藻类和鞭毛藻代替。开花对浮游植物的影响包括物种丰富度/多样性的初步降低和直接/间接替代过程。浮游生物花期的长期变化表明复杂的适应性过程导致对养分负荷的非线性响应以及种间关系的基于时间的改变。浮游植物的开花和相关变化伴随着鱼类和无脊椎动物种群的减少以及食物网过程的改变。从统计学上讲,海湾的蚜虫(Heterosigma akashiwo)和鞭毛藻(Prorocentrum cordatum)盛开与无脊椎动物和鱼类种群减少以及海湾食物网的破坏有关。制浆厂减少的养分负荷导致海湾浮游生物的花减少和部分大型无脊椎动物的部分恢复。但是,晚些时候上海湾第二个来源的养分负荷与开花活动增加有关。在盐度分层导致缺氧影响的深湾地区,这减少了底栖无脊椎动物和鱼类的聚集。下珀迪多湾受到农业和城市水源面源径流的不利影响,水质下降,沉积物生物减少。由于来自多种来源的人为养分负载和相关的浮游生物大量繁殖而造成的累积影响,以及由于海湾总站疏opening开孔而导致的理化条件发生了变化,导致了Perdido海湾次级生产力的普遍下降。海湾生产力的长期趋势是自然气候周期和人为活动相互作用的结果。



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