首页> 外文期刊>Italian journal of animal science >Reproductive responsesand progesterone levelsof postpartum oestrussynchronization in goatswith different body reserves

Reproductive responsesand progesterone levelsof postpartum oestrussynchronization in goatswith different body reserves


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Thirty adult goats were classified at parturitioninto two body condition score (BCS)groups: BCI (n=16) with a score of 2.7 and BCII(n=14) with a score of 2.0. On the fiftieth daypostpartum, oestrus was synchronized by CIDRfor 5 days. Upon CIDR removal (Day 0), theyreceived 1 mL of PGF2α IM and mated for 72hours. Kids were kept with does and weaned at40 days of age. Blood samples were taken at 0,1, 4, 8 and 21 days after CIDR removal for progesteroneassay. The BCI group showed a greaterweight loss compared to the BCII group, andBCS before synchronization was 1.9±0.08 and1.6±0.07 for the BCI and BCII groups, respectively(P<0.05). The weaning weight of BCI kidswas greater when compared to BCII (P<0.001).After CIDR removal, all females were markedand mated. Pregnancy rate was higher in BCIgoats (87% vs 36%; P<0.05), as well as prolificacy(1.65 vs 1.25; P<0.05) and twinning rate(0.62 vs 0.25; P<0.05). Progesterone concentrationwas higher in pregnant does in BCI. A positiverelationship was found between progesteronelevel at CIDR removal and BCS at parturition(0.57; P<0.01), also between progesteronelevel at 21 days after CIDR removal andBCS at parturition (0.47; P<0.05), or BCSbefore synchronization (0.51; P<0.05). We concludethat oestrus response to postpartum CIDRsynchronization appeared to be slightly dependenton BCS. However, goats with low BCS atoestrus synchronization exhibited a reductionin pregnancy rate.
机译:将三十只成年山羊在分娩时分为两个身体状况评分(BCS)组:BCI(n = 16)评分为2.7和BCII(n = 14)评分为2.0。在产后第50天,CIDR使发情同步5天。去除CIDR后(第0天),他们接受1 mLPGF2αIM,并交配72小时。孩子们一直做事,并在40天大时断奶。去除CIDR后的第0、1、4、8和21天采集血样进行孕酮测定。与BCII组相比,BCI组的体重减轻更大,而BCI组和BCII组的同步前BCS分别为1.9±0.08和1.6±0.07(P <0.05)。与BCII相比,BCI孩子的断奶体重更大(P <0.001)。去除CIDR后,所有雌性都进行了标记和交配。 BCIgoats的怀孕率更高(87%vs 36%; P <0.05),生殖能力较高(1.65 vs 1.25; P <0.05)和孪生率(0.62 vs 0.25; P <0.05)。 BCI孕妇的孕酮浓度较高。 CIDR去除时的孕酮水平与分娩时的BCS之间呈正相关(0.57; P <0.01),CIDR去除后21天的孕酮水平与分娩时的BCS之间(0.47; P <0.05)或同步化之前的BCS之间呈正相关(0.51; P <0.05) )。我们得出的结论是,发情期对产后CIDR同步的反应似乎与BCS略有相关。但是,BCS角动量同步性低的山羊的妊娠率降低。



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