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Forging Scientific Electrical Engineering John Ambrose Fleming and the Ferranti Effect


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ONE DAY IN LATE OCTOBER 1890, Sebastian de Ferranti's gigantic Deptford station, located six miles from London, started generating and transmitting cur-rent to thirty-eight thousand lamps throughout the city. It was certainly a thrilling moment, not only for Ferranti himself, who had overcome technical difficulties and harsh criticism from engineers to build the 10,000-volt Deptford system, but also for the investors who had poured £1 million into this unprecedented venture over the preceding three years. Soon, however, a strange rumor spread among electrical engineers. It was said that, for unknown reasons, the voltage at the far end of the main lines near London was considerably higher than that at Deptford. Shortly there-after, a mysterious fire destroyed all the transformers at a substation near London, putting it out of commission for the entire winter. Several people attributed this disaster to the increased voltage.
机译:1890年10月下旬的一天,塞巴斯蒂安·德·费兰蒂(Sebastian de Ferranti)巨大的德普特福德车站(Deptford station)距伦敦六英里,开始在整个城市中产生并向三万八千盏灯传输电流。这无疑是一个激动人心的时刻,不仅对费兰蒂本人来说,他克服了技术上的困难和工程师的严厉批评,建造了10,000伏的德普特福德系统,而且对于在此之前向这笔空前的投资中投入了100万英镑的投资者三年但是很快,电气工程师之间传出了一个奇怪的谣言。据说,由于未知原因,伦敦附近干线远端的电压大大高于德普特福德的电压。此后不久,一场神秘的大火摧毁了伦敦附近变电站的所有变压器,使整个冬季都无法使用。一些人将这次灾难归因于电压的升高。



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