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The relevance of Sir Henry Bessemer's ideas to the steel industry in the twenty-first century


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This Bessemer lecture provides a unique occasion for me to look at son of the issues I have been close to professionally, with a perspective spanning over three centuries, something that we do not often have the leisure to do in the steel industry. I would like to speak first briefly about Sir Henry Bessemer and the dynamic nineteenth century in which he was such an active player, although much has already been said on the occasion of the Bessemer Centenary Conference that celebrated the centenary of his death. There is certainly no need for another engineer to speak about him, after the Bessemer Memorial Lecture given by Frank Fitzgerald, which provided a fascinating overview of his life and his accomplishments and can serve as a critical framework within which to read Sir Henry's autobiography with insight and profit. Historians should now be given an opportunity to enrich the analysis of his life and put it into a broader perspective than that of scientists or engineers. Then I will skip over 100 years to 1970 and recollect some of the endeavours and achievements of the steel industry of the late twentieth century, which I witnessed at first hand. There were deep changes of course, but also intriguing continuity with Bessemer's time.
机译:贝塞麦(Bessemer)的这次演讲为我提供了一个独特的机会,让我以三个多世纪的视角来看待我在专业上已经接近的问题之子,这在钢铁行业中我们通常没有闲暇时光。首先,我想简单地谈谈亨利·贝塞默爵士和活跃的19世纪动态人物,尽管在庆祝百年诞辰100周年的贝塞默百年纪念大会之际,人们已经说了很多话。在弗兰克·菲茨杰拉德(Frank Fitzgerald)举办的贝塞默(Bessemer)纪念演讲之后,当然不需要其他工程师谈论他,他对他的生活和成就提供了有趣的概述,并且可以作为一个重要的框架,在其中阅读亨利爵士的自传和利润。现在,历史学家应该有机会丰富他的生活分析,并将其置于比科学家或工程师更大的视野。然后,我将跳过100多年直到1970年,并回顾一下我亲眼目睹的二十世纪后期钢铁业的一些成就。当然,这发生了深刻的变化,但有趣的是,与Bessemer的时间保持了连续性。



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