首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine >What can the medical education do for eliminating stigma and discrimination associated with mental illness among future doctors? Effect of clerkship training on Chinese students' attitudes

What can the medical education do for eliminating stigma and discrimination associated with mental illness among future doctors? Effect of clerkship training on Chinese students' attitudes


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Objective: The study was to examine the changes in attitudes towards psychiatry and mental illness among Chinese medical students during their psychiatry clerkship training. Methods: The Attitudes Towards Mental Illness (AMI) and the Attitudes Towards Psychiatry-30 (ATP-30) questionnaires were administered to 325 fourth-year Chinese medical students before and after they completed an 8-week psychiatry clerkship training. Results: After the clerkship training, there was a significant improvement in attitudes towards psychiatry and mental health as reflected by the total scores on ATP-30 (103.4 ± 8.6 versus 111.8 ± 9.6, p < 0.001) and AMI (58.9 ± 6.3 versus 64.1 ± 6.6, p < 0.001). The proportions of students who showed positive attitudes to psychiatry and mental illness were significantly increased on most of the items on ATP-30 and AMI after rotation (p's = 0.027). Although there was a significant change after training, the percentage of the students who would consider psychiatry as their future medical specialty was still on a low level (6.5% versus 11.4%, before versus after rotation, p = 0.028). Conclusions: The results of our study suggested that psychiatry clerkship training may improve medical students' attitudes towards psychiatry and mental illness, but its influence on medical students' consideration to choose psychiatry as a future medical career is limited. The students who did not consider psychiatry as a future career held less positive attitudes to psychiatrists, psychiatric patients and the treatment.
机译:目的:研究中国医学生在精神科业务培训期间对精神科和精神疾病态度的变化。方法:在完成为期8周的精神科业务培训之前和之后,对325名四年级的中国医学生进行了对精神疾病的态度(AMI)和对精神病的态度30(ATP-30)问卷调查。结果:经过职员培训,对精神病学和精神健康的态度有了显着改善,这在ATP-30(103.4±8.6对111.8±9.6对,p <0.001)和AMI(58.9±6.3对64.1对)的总分中得到了体现。 ±6.6,p <0.001)。轮换后,ATP-30和AMI上大多数项目对精神病和精神疾病表现出积极态度的学生比例显着增加(p's = 0.027)。尽管培训后发生了显着变化,但将精神病学作为其未来医学专业的学生百分比仍然处于较低水平(分别为6.5%和11.4%,而轮换之前和之后,p = 0.028)。结论:我们的研究结果表明,精神科职员培训可能会改善医学生对精神病和精神疾病的态度,但其对医学生选择精神科作为未来医学职业的考虑的影响有限。不将精神病学视为未来职业的学生对精神病医生,精神病患者和治疗的态度较差。



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