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Relationship between child abuse and adult smoking.


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OBJECTIVE: A strong association between a history of child abuse and subsequent psychiatric disorders including substance use has been demonstrated. However, few studies have examined the relationship between child abuse and cigarette smoking in individuals without co-occurring psychiatric disorders. In this study, the relationship between severe childhood abuse and smoking were examined in a group of adults without significant psychopathology. METHODS: Participants (N = 57) represent the control group of a larger study of substance dependence. Participants were without major DSM-IV psychopathology, including substance use disorders, major depression, or posttraumatic stress disorder. The Early Trauma Inventory [20] assessed history of exposure to traumatic events prior to age 18. RESULTS: The majority of individuals with, as compared to without, a history of severe child abuse (79% vs. 47%, p = .02) were current cigarette smokers. The odds of smoking was four times as high in participants with versus without a severe childhood abuse history (OR = 4.0, p = 0.04). CONCLUSIONS: Although preliminary, the findings demonstrate a strong link between early childhood trauma and later adult cigarette smoking among individuals without significant substance use or other psychopathology.
机译:目的:已证明虐待儿童的病史与随后的精神疾病(包括药物滥用)之间有很强的联系。但是,很少有研究检查没有共同发作的精神病患者的虐待儿童和吸烟之间的关系。在这项研究中,在没有明显精神病理学的一组成年人中,研究了严重的儿童虐待与吸烟之间的关系。方法:参加者(N = 57)代表较大的物质依赖研究的对照组。参加者没有严重的DSM-IV精神病理学,包括药物滥用,严重抑郁或创伤后应激障碍。早期创伤调查[20]评估了18岁之前接触过创伤事件的历史。结果:与不存在严重虐待儿童史相比,大多数个体有虐待史(79%vs. 47%,p = .02)。 )是目前的吸烟者。有和没有严重的儿童虐待史的参与者相比,吸烟的几率是参与者的四倍(OR = 4.0,p = 0.04)。结论:尽管是初步的,但研究结果表明,在没有大量使用毒品或其他精神病理学的个体中,儿童早期创伤与后来成人吸烟之间存在密切联系。



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