首页> 外文期刊>International nursing review >Psycho-social factors affecting elders' maltreatment in long-term care facilities.

Psycho-social factors affecting elders' maltreatment in long-term care facilities.


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AIM: To examine and analyse major variables affecting maltreatment of elderly nursing home residents. The study was based on two theoretical paradigms: the theoretical model for predicting causes of maltreatment of elderly residents developed by Pillemer, and the Theory of Reasoned Action developed by Ajzen & Fishbein. METHODS: The study employed a correlational quantitative method. The research population consisted of the staff of 22 nursing homes in Israel. Six hundred questionnaires were distributed in these facilities and 510 were completed and returned (85%). In addition, 24 questionnaires were distributed among directors of the facilities and 22 were returned (91.6%). FINDINGS: Slightly more than half of the staff sampled reported abuse of elderly residents over the past year, as manifested in one or more of types of maltreatment. The total number of various types of maltreatment reported was 513. About two-thirds of the cases were incidents of neglect. Seventy per cent of respondents reported that they had been present at incidents in which another staff member abused an elderly resident in one or more types of maltreatment, and in such situations mental abuse and mental neglect were the most prevalent forms of maltreatment. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS: This is the first study to examine elder maltreatment in the long-term care population of Israel. The research findings produce an expanded and improved research model investigating elder maltreatment in long-term nursing homes.



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