首页> 外文期刊>International journal of nursing studies >Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among children exposed to secondhand smoke: A logistic regression analysis of secondary data

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among children exposed to secondhand smoke: A logistic regression analysis of secondary data


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Background: A growing body of literature examines the association of postnatal secondhand smoke exposure with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children, but the findings are mixed. Objective: We compare prevalence of ADHD in children aged 4-15 years who were exposed to postnatal secondhand smoke with prevalence in those who were not exposed, and examine the association of postnatal secondhand smoke exposure with ADHD using both reported and cotinine-measured secondhand smoke exposure. Design and setting: We analyze secondary data from the 1999-2004 U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys. Participants: Analyses using reported secondhand smoke exposure and cotinine-measured exposure included 6283 and 6033 children aged 4-15 respectively, including 419 and 404 children who either had a reported physician diagnosis of ADHD or were taking stimulant medications. Methods: The association of secondhand smoke exposure with ADHD was examined by two multiple logistic regression models that differ in the secondhand smoke measurement used. Results: After controlling for maternal smoking during pregnancy, gender, age, race/ethnicity, preschool attendance, health insurance coverage, and exposure to lead, children with reported secondhand smoke exposure at home were more likely to have ADHD (adjusted odds ratio= 1.5, 95% confidence interval: 1.1-2.0) than those who were not exposed. After controlling for these covariates, children with detectable cotinine levels were more likely to have ADHD (adjusted odds ratio = 1.8, 95% confidence interval: 1.3-2.5) than those with non-detectable levels. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that secondhand smoke exposure in children is strongly associated with ADHD independent of other risk factors and this association is robust using both measurements of secondhand smoke exposure. Further research is needed to understand the mechanism underlying this association. Nurses and other healthcare professionals can play an important role in encouraging parents to quit smoking to reduce children's exposure to secondhand smoke and their risk of ADHD.
机译:背景:越来越多的文献研究了儿童出生后二手烟暴露与儿童注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)的关系,但发现不一。目的:我们比较暴露于产后二手烟的4-15岁儿童的ADHD患病率与未暴露于二手烟的儿童的ADHD患病率,并使用报告的和可替宁测量的二手烟来检查产后二手烟暴露与ADHD的关联接触。设计和设置:我们分析了1999-2004年美国国家健康和营养检查调查中的辅助数据。参与者:使用已报告的二手烟暴露和可替宁测量的暴露进行分析,分别包括6283和6033名4-15岁的儿童,其中419和404名有医生诊断为ADHD或正在服用兴奋剂的儿童。方法:通过两个多元logistic回归模型检查二手烟暴露与ADHD的关系,这两个模型在二手烟测量中有所不同。结果:在控制了孕妇在怀孕期间的吸烟,性别,年龄,种族/民族,学龄前出勤,健康保险覆盖率和铅暴露之后,报告在家中二手烟暴露的孩子更有可能患有ADHD(调整后的优势比= 1.5 ,95%置信区间:1.1-2.0)比那些没有接触过的人。在控制了这些协变量之后,可检测到可替宁水平的儿童比那些未检测到可替宁水平的儿童更有可能患有ADHD(调整后的优势比= 1.8,95%置信区间:1.3-2.5)。结论:我们的研究结果表明,儿童二手烟暴露与ADHD密切相关,而不受其他风险因素的影响,并且使用两种二手烟暴露测量结果,这种关联均很可靠。需要进一步研究以了解这种关联的潜在机制。护士和其他医疗保健专业人员可在鼓励父母戒烟以减少儿童接触二手烟及其多动症风险方面发挥重要作用。



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