首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Tropical Agriculture >Effect of Nitrogen Levels on Green Fodder Yield of oat (Avena sativa) Varieties

Effect of Nitrogen Levels on Green Fodder Yield of oat (Avena sativa) Varieties


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Livestock is the integral component of agriculture since times immemorial and its contributions to national economy through milk, meat, wool as well as farm yard manure is enormous. However, the low productivity of our livestock is mainly due to pooravailability offeed resources. Amongst several fodder crops, oat proved to be the most successful and suitable fodder crops (Singh, 1971) with the availability of high yielding early, medium and late maturing varieties. Keeping the above view over fodderproduction this experiment was conducted under Factorial Randomized Block Design with three replications in year rabi 2006for knowing economic outfit. The variety OS-6 with 120 kg nitrogen/ha proved significantly superior in producing maximum green fodder, dry matter and crude protein yields and fodder oat cultivar OS-6 with 120 Kg nitrogen/ha fetched maximum monetary advantage and proved most remunerative with benefit: cost ratio of 2.87.



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