
A multi-objective artificial bee colony algorithm based on division of the searching space


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This paper presents a new multi-objective artificial bee colony algorithm called dMOABC by dividing the whole searching space S into two independent parts S-1 and S-2. In this algorithm, two "basic" colonies are assigned to search potential solutions in regions S-1 and S-2, while the so-called "synthetic" colony explores in S. This multi-colony model could enable the good diversity of the population, and three colonies share information in a special way. A fixed-size external archive is used to store the non-dominated solutions found so far. The diversity over the archived solutions is controlled by utilizing a self-adaptive grid. For basic colonies, neighbor information is used to generate new food sources. For the synthetic colony, besides neighbor information, the global best food source gbest selected from the archive, is also adopted to guide the flying trajectory of both employed and onlooker bees. The scout bees are used to get rid of food sources with poor qualities. The proposed algorithm is evaluated on a set of unconstrained multi-objective test problems taken from CEC09, and is compared with 11 other state-of-the-art multi-objective algorithms by applying Friedman test in terms of four indicators: HV, SPREAD, EPSILON and IGD. It is shown by the test results that our algorithm significantly surpasses its competitors.
机译:通过将整个搜索空间S分为两个独立的部分S-1和S-2,提出了一种新的多目标人工蜂群算法dMOABC。在这种算法中,两个“基本”菌落被分配用于搜索区域S-1和S-2中的潜在解,而所谓的“合成”菌落则在S中进行探索。这种多菌落模型可以实现人口,三个殖民地以特殊方式共享信息。固定大小的外部存档用于存储到目前为止发现的非主导解决方案。通过使用自适应网格,可以控制已归档解决方案的多样性。对于基本殖民地,邻居信息用于产生新的食物来源。对于合成殖民地,除了邻居信息外,还从档案中选择全球最佳食物来源gbest,以指导受雇和旁观蜂的飞行轨迹。侦察蜂用于清除质量较差的食物。对该算法进行了评估,评估了一组来自CEC09的无约束多目标测试问题,并通过在四个指标上应用Friedman检验将其与其他11种最新的多目标算法进行了比较:HV,SPREAD, EPSILON和IGD。测试结果表明,我们的算法大大超过了竞争对手。



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