首页> 外文期刊>International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism >Evaluation of Sports Nutrition Knowledge and Recommendations Among High School Coaches

Evaluation of Sports Nutrition Knowledge and Recommendations Among High School Coaches


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The objectives of this study were to evaluate high school coaches' knowledge in sports nutrition and the nutritional practices they recommend to their athletes. Forty-seven high school coaches in "leanness" and "non-leanness" sports from the greater region of Quebec (women = 44.7%) completed a questionnaire on nutritional knowledge and practices. "Leanness sports" were defined as sports where leanness or/and low bodyweight were considered important (e.g., cheerleading, swimming and gymnastics), and "non-leanness sports" were defined as sports where these factors are less important (e.g., football). Participants obtained a total mean score of 68.4% for the nutrition knowledge part of the questionnaire. More specifically, less than 30% of the coaches could answer correctly some general nutrition questions regarding carbohydrates and lipids. No significant difference in nutrition knowledge was observed between coaches from "leanness" and "non-leanness" sports or between men and women. Respondents with a university education scored higher than the others (73.3% vs. 63.3%, p < .05). Coaches who participated in coaching certification also obtained better results than those without a coaching certification. The most popular source of information about nutrition used by coaches was the Internet at 55%. The two most popular nutrition practices that coaches recommended to improve athlete performance were hydration and consumption of protein-rich foods. Recommendation for nutritional supplements use was extremely rare and was suggested only by football coaches, a nonleanness sport. Findings from this study indicate that coaches need sports nutrition education and specific training.
机译:这项研究的目的是评估高中教练在运动营养方面的知识以及他们向运动员推荐的营养实践。来自魁北克大区(妇女= 44.7%)的“瘦身”和“非瘦身”运动的四十七名高中教练完成了有关营养知识和实践的问卷调查。 “瘦身运动”被定义为瘦或低体重的重要运动(例如啦啦队,游泳和体操),“非瘦身运动”被定义为这些因素不那么重要的运动(例如足球) 。参与者在问卷的营养知识部分中获得了68.4%的总平均分。更具体地说,不到30%的教练可以正确回答一些有关碳水化合物和脂质的一般营养问题。在“瘦身”和“非瘦身”运动中的教练之间或在男女之间,没有发现营养知识上的显着差异。受过大学教育的受访者得分高于其他受访者(分别为73.3%和63.3%,p <.05)。参加教练认证的教练也比没有教练认证的教练获得更好的成绩。教练使用的最常见的营养信息来源是55%的互联网。教练建议提高运动员成绩的两种最流行的营养做法是补水和食用富含蛋白质的食物。关于营养补充剂使用的建议非常少见,只有非教练运动橄榄球教练才提出建议。这项研究的结果表明,教练需要运动营养教育和专门培训。



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