首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Refrigeration >A study on an online measurement method to determine the oil discharge ratio by utilizing Coriolis mass flow meter in a calorimeter

A study on an online measurement method to determine the oil discharge ratio by utilizing Coriolis mass flow meter in a calorimeter


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In this paper, an online measurement method of oil discharge ratio (ODR) is experimentally investigated based on a compressor calorimeter with the Coriolis mass flowmeter (CMF). In this method, the oil concentration is determined by a linear mixing law of the specific volume model using the density of the refrigerant, oil and refrigerant-oil mixture obtained by CMF. During the testing, the light absorption method is also conducted simultaneously for the comparison. The results indicate that the presented CMF based density method has an average relative deviation of 4.28%. The accuracy of the CMF based density method is superior to the light absorption method, which has the relative deviation of -8 similar to 23% compared with the standard sampling method. The presented CMF-based method can be expected to be used for future ODR measurement due to its non-sampling, online, and accurate features. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd and IIR. All rights reserved.
机译:在本文中,基于压缩机热量计和科里奥利质量流量计(CMF),实验研究了在线排油率(ODR)测量方法。在这种方法中,油浓度是使用CMF获得的制冷剂,机油和制冷剂-油混合物的密度,根据比体积模型的线性混合定律确定的。在测试过程中,还同时进行了光吸收法进行比较。结果表明,所提出的基于CMF的密度方法具有4.28%的平均相对偏差。基于CMF的密度方法的精度优于光吸收方法,与标准采样方法相比,其相对偏差为-8,类似于23%。由于其基于非采样,在线和准确的功能,因此预期该基于CMF的方法可用于将来的ODR测量。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd和IIR。版权所有。



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