首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation >A reconfigurable modular fixture design for meso-milling

A reconfigurable modular fixture design for meso-milling


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A reconfigurable, intelligent modular fixture with embedded sensing capabilities is critical to improving the adaptability and efficiency of meso-milling machines for yielding micro-size features. The primary goals in designing such a fixture are: 1) to locate a large group of similar workpieces with minimal setup changes; 2) to sense the location of a workpiece placed on the fixture; 3) to provide feedback in regard to ongoing proper workholding of a workpiece during machining. We consider two specific issues to address these goals. First, designing a set of modular fixture components with desired stiffness and accuracy. Second, employing miniaturised and accurate embedded sensors.
机译:具有嵌入式感应功能的可重新配置的智能模块化夹具对于提高中铣床产生微小尺寸特征的适应性和效率至关重要。设计这种夹具的主要目标是:1)以最小的设置变化定位一大批相似的工件; 2)检测放置在夹具上的工件的位置; 3)提供有关在加工过程中对工件的持续正确夹持的反馈。我们考虑了两个具体问题来解决这些目标。首先,设计一组具有所需刚度和精度的模块化夹具组件。第二,采用小型且精确的嵌入式传感器。



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