首页> 外文期刊>International journal of modern physics, D. Gravitation, astrophysics, cosmology >Orbital motion and quasi-quantized disk around rotating neutron stars

Orbital motion and quasi-quantized disk around rotating neutron stars


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In accreting neutron star (NS) low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) systems, NS accretes material from its low-mass companion via a Keplerian disk. In a viscous accretion disk, inflows orbit the NS and spiral in due to dissipative processes, such as the viscous process and collisions of elements. The dynamics of accretion flows in the inner region of an accretion disk is significantly affected by the rotation of NS. The rotation makes NS, thus the spacetime metric, deviate from the originally spherical symmetry, and leads to gravitational quadrupole, on one hand. On the other hand, a rotating NS drags the local inertial frame in its vicinity, which is known as the rotational frame-dragging effect. In this paper, we investigate the orbital motion of accretion flows of accreting NS/LMXBs and demonstrate that the rotational effects of NS result in a band of quasi- quantized structure in the inner region of the accretion disk, which is different, in nature, from the scenario in the strong gravity of black hole arising from the resonance for frequencies related to epicyclic and orbital motions. We also demonstrate that such a disk structure may account for frequencies seen in X-ray variability, such as quasi- periodic oscillations (QPOs), and can be a potential promising tool for the investigation of photon polarization.
机译:在吸积中子星(NS)低质量X射线双星(LMXB)系统中,NS通过开普勒圆盘从其低质伴星中吸出物质。在粘性吸积盘中,由于耗散过程(例如粘性过程和元素碰撞),流入的流体绕NS旋转并呈螺旋状进入。吸积盘内部区域的吸积流动力学受NS旋转的影响很大。旋转一方面使NS(即时空度量)偏离最初的球对称性,并导致引力四极。另一方面,旋转的NS拖动局部惯性框架在其附近,这称为旋转框架拖动效果。在本文中,我们研究了增生NS / LMXB的增生流的轨道运动,并证明了NS的旋转效应在增生盘的内部区域中产生了一个准量化结构带,这在本质上是不同的,从与周转和轨道运动相关的频率的共振引起的黑洞的强引力情景中得出。我们还证明,这样的磁盘结构可以解释X射线可变性中出现的频率,例如准周期振荡(QPO),并且可以成为研究光子极化的潜在有前途的工具。



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