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Editorial: Primary healthcare for older people: Editorial comments for International Journal of Older People Nursing


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This special issue of the International Journal of Older People Nursing is focused on older people in the environment of primary care. The concept of primary care is a relatively new impetus within healthcare systems. In 1978, the Alma Ata Declaration (World Health Organisation, 1978) was signed by most countries within the World Health Organisation and represented a major milestone in re-orientating health care to the communities where people lived and worked. This was envisaged through the establishment of epidemiological-based public health objectives founded on the concept of ‘health for all’. These aspirational goals focused on a perspective shift within healthcare discourses and policy from health being considered within a myopic perspective, as simply the opposite to illness and disease, to a broader consideration of health within a complex ecological framework. The Alma Ata (1978) also supported a debunking of the hierarchical, patriarchal position of healthcare professionals as ownership of health was constructed as the domain of each individual, community and population. Thus, health was democratised, in the sense that people had a right and duty to participate individually and collectively in their own health, with the ultimate goal of self-care.
机译:《国际老年人护理杂志》的这一期特刊侧重于初级保健环境中的老年人。初级保健的概念是卫生保健系统中一个相对较新的推动力。 1978年,世界卫生组织内的大多数国家签署了《阿拉木图宣言》(世界卫生组织,1978年),这是将卫生保健重新定位于人们生活和工作的社区的重要里程碑。通过基于“全民健康”概念的基于流行病学的公共卫生目标的构想来实现这一目标。这些理想目标的重点是医疗保健话语和政策的观点转变,即从近视角度考虑的健康问题(与疾病和疾病完全相反),再到在复杂的生态框架内更广泛地考虑健康问题。阿尔玛·阿塔(Alma Ata,1978)还支持揭穿医疗保健专业人员的等级制,重男轻女的立场,因为人们把健康权作为每个人,社区和人口的领地。因此,从人民有权利和义务以个人和集体参与自己的健康为最终目标的自我保健的意义上讲,健康就民主了。



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