
Refereeing procedure and policy (1996)

机译:裁判程序和政策 (1996)



JOURNALS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY Refereeing Procedure and Policy (1996) 1.0 Contributions to Dalton, Perkin and Faraday Transactions, J. Mater. Chem., The Analyst, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. and J. Chem. Research 1.1 Introduction This document summarises the procedure used for assessing papers submitted to the four Transactions, J. Mater. Chem., The Analyst, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., and J. Chem. Research, and provides guidelines for referees engaged in this assessment. 1.2 Subject Matter Papers are submitted to the various journals according to subject matter. If it is felt that a paper would be published more appropriately in an RSC journal other than the one suggested by the author, the referee should inform the Editor. The topics covered by the various journals are as follows.Dalton Transactions (Inorganic Chemistry). All aspects of the chemistry of inorganic and organometallic compounds, including bioinorganic chemistry and solid-state inorganic chemistry; the applications of physicochemical techniques to the study of their structures, properties and reactions, including kinetics and mechanism; new or improved experimental techniques and syntheses. Faraday Transactions (Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics). Gas-phase kinetics and dynamics; molecular beam kinetics and spectroscopy, photochemistry and photophysics; energy transfer and relaxation processes; laser-induced chemistry; spectroscopies of molecules, molecular and gas- phase complexes; quantum chemistry and molecular structure; statistical mechanics of gaseous molecules and complexes; spectroscopies, statistical mechanics and quantum theory of the condensed phase; computational chemistry and molecular dynamics; colloid and interface science, surface science, physisorption and chromatographic science, chemisorption and heterogeneous catalysis, zeolites and ion-exchange phenomena; electrode processes, liquids and solutions; solid- state chemistry (microstructures and dynamics); reactions in condensed phases; physical chemistry of macromolecules and polymers; thermodynamics; biophysical chemistry and radia- tion chemistry.Perkin Transactions 1 (Organic Chemistry). All aspects of organic and bio-organic chemistry. These include synthetic organic chemistry of all types, organometallic chemistry, chemistry and biosynthesis of natural products, the relationship between molecular structure and biological activity, the chemistry of polymers and biological macromolecules, and medicinal and agricultural chemistry where there is originality in the science. Perkin Transactions 2 (Physical Organic Chemistry).Physicochemical aspects of organic, organometallic, and bio- organic chemistry, including kinetic, mechanistic, structural, spectroscopic and theoretical studies. Such topics include structure-activity relationships and physical aspects of biological processes and of the study of polymers and biological macromolecules. Journal of Materials Chemistry. The chemistry of materials, particularly those associated with advanced technology; modelling of materials; synthesis and structural characterisation; physicochemical aspects of fabrication; chemical, structural, electrical, magnetic and optical properties; applications. The Analyst (Analytical Science).Theory and practice of all aspects of analytical chemistry, fundamental and applied, including inorganic and organic chemical, physical and biological methods in applications areas such as environmental, clinical, geological, industrial, veterinary, food, etc. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. The development of fundamental theory, practice and analytical application of atomic spectrometric techniques, including ICP MS and XRF. Journal of Chemical Research.All areas of chemistry. The format of this journal (one- or two-page printed synopsis in Part S, plus microform version of authorsrsquo; full text typescript in Part M) makes it particularly suitable for papers containing lengthy experimental sections or extensive data tabulations. 1.3 Procedure Each manuscript is considered independently by two referees. The refereesrsquo; reports constitute recommendations to the appropriate Editorial Board, which is empowered to take final action on manuscripts submitted. The Editor, acting for the Editorial Board, is responsible for all administrative and executive actirsquo;ons, and is empowered to accept or reject papers. It is the Editorrsquo;s duty to see that, as far as possible, agreement is reached between authors and referees; although the referees may need to be consulted again concerning an authorrsquo;s reply to comments, further refereeing will be avoided as far as possible.1.3.1 Adjudication of disagreements. If there is a notable discrepancy between the reports of the two referees, or if the difference between authors and referees cannot be resolved readily, a third referee may be appointed as adjudicator. In extreme cases, differences may be reported to the appropriate Editorial Board for resolution. When a paper is recommended for rejection by referees, the Editor will inform the authors and return the top copy of the manuscript. Authors have the right to appeal to the Editorial Board if they regard a decision to reject as unfair.The Editor may refer to the Editorial Boards any papers which have been recommended for acceptance by the referees, but about which the Editor is doubtful. 1.3.2 Anonymity. The anonymity of referees is strictly preserved, and reports should be couched in terms which do not disclose the identity of the writer. A referee should never communicate directly with an author, unless and until such action has been sanctioned by the Society, through the Editor. 1.3.3 Confidentiality. A referee should treat a paper received for assessment as confidential material. Information acquired by a referee from such a paper is not available for citation until the paper is published. xxxi REFEREEING PROCEDURE AND POLICY (1996) 1.4 Policy The primary criterion for acceptance of a contribution for publication is that it should advance scientific knowledge significantly. Papers that do not contain new experimental results may be considered for publication only if they either reinterpret or summarise known facts or results in a manner presenting an advance in chemical knowledge.Papers in interdisciplinary areas are acceptable if the chemical content is considered satisfactory. Papers reporting results regarded as routine or trivial are not acceptable in the absence of other, desirable attributes. Although short papers are acceptable, the Society strongly discourages the fragmentation of a substantial body of work into a number of short publications; such fragmentation is likely to be grounds for rejection.The length of an article should be commensurate with its scientific content; however, authors are allowed every latitude (consistent with reasonable brevity) in the form in which their work is presented. Figures and flow-charts can often save space as well as clarify complicated arguments, and should not be excised unless they are unhelpful or really extrava- gant. The use of colour and/or half-tones is permitted in cases where genuine clarification results; referees are asked to advise on this. If a paper as a whole is judged suitable for the Journal, minor criticisms should not be unduly emphasised. It is the responsibility of the Editor to ensure the use of reasonably brief phraseology, and to assist the author to present his work in the most appropriate format.However, referees should not hesitate to recommend rejection of papers which appear incurably badly composed. It should be clearly understood that refereesrsquo; reports are made in confidence to the Editor, at whose discretion comments will be transmitted to the author. To assist the Editor, referees are requested to indicate which comments are designed only for consideration, as distinct from those which, in the refereersquo;s view, require specific action or an adequate answer before the paper is accepted. Referees may ask for sight of supporting data not submitted for publication, or for sight of a previous paper which has been submitted but not yet published. Such requests must be made to the Editor, not directly to the author.1.4.1 Authentication of new compounds. Referees are asked to assess, as a whole, the evidence in support of the homogeneity and structure of all new compounds. No hard and fast rules can be laid down to cover all types of compounds, but the Societyrsquo;s policy is that evidence for the unequivocal identification of new compounds should wherever possible include good elemental analytical data; for example, an accurate mass measurement of a molecular ion does not provide evidence of purity of a compound and must be accompanied by independent evidence of homogeneity. Low-resolution mass spectrometry must be treated with even more reserve in the absence of firm evidence to distinguish between alternative molecular formulae.Where elemental analytical data are not available, appropriate evidence which is convincing to an expert in the field may be acceptable. Spectroscopic information necessary to the assignment of structure should normally be given. Just how complete this information should be must depend upon the circumstances; the structure of a compound obtained from an unusual reaction or isolated from a natural source needs much stronger supporting evidence than one derived by a standard reaction from a precursor of undisputed structure. Referees are reminded of the need to be exacting in their standards but at the same time flexible in their admission of evidence. It remains the Societyrsquo;s policy to xxxii accept work only of high quality and to permit no lowering of standards.1.5 Titles and Summaries Referees should comment on titles and summaries with the following points in mind. Titles of papers are used out of context by several organizations for current awareness purposes. To enable such systems to serve chemists adequately, titles must be written around a sufficient number of scientific words carefully chosen to cover the important aspects of the paper. Summaries should preferably be self-contained, so that they can be understood without reference to the main text. 1.6 Speed of Refereeing The Editorial Boards are anxious to maintain and to reduce further if possible the publication times now being achieved. In this connection, referees should submit their reports with the minimum of delay, or return manuscripts immediately to the Editor if long delay seems inevitable.1.7 Suggestions of Alternative Referees The Editor welcomes suggestions of alternative referees competent to deal with particular subject areas. Such suggestions are particularly helpful in cases where referees consider themselves ill-equipped (in terms of specialist knowledge) to deal with a specific paper, and in highly specialized or new areas of research where only a limited number of experts may be available. If, in such a case, the alternative and the original referee work in the same institution, the manuscript may be passed on directly after informing the Editor. 1.8 Short Papers and Letters lsquo;Short Papersrsquo; are published in J.Chem. Research. They are intended for the description of essentially complete pieces of work which can be described in two printed pages or less. They are NOT preliminary communications, nor in any way an alternative to Chemical Communications, for which there are additional criteria of novelty and urgency. The quality of material contained in a short paper should be the same as that in a full paper. Investigations arising out of some larger project but not prosecuted to the same degree are particularly appropriate for this format. A short paper should not normally exceed in length about 8 pages of typescript, including figures, tables, etc. It should comprise a one-sentence abstract and discussion, but adequate experimental details are required. As a consequence of its length, it appears in full in Part S with no microform version in Part M.lsquo;Lettersrsquo;, published in Dalton Transactions, are a medium for the expression of scientific opinions and views normally concerning material published in that journal; it is intended that contributions in this format should be published rapidly. The letters section is for scientific discussion, and is not intended to compete with media for the publication of more general matters such as Chemistry in Britain. Only rarely should a Letter exceed one printed column in length (about 1-2 pages of typescript). Where a letter is polemical in nature, and if it is accepted, a reply will be solicited from other parties implicated, for consideration for publication alongside the original letter.1.9 Polemical Papers If the Editor considers a manuscript to be polemical in nature then the author of the paper being criticised will, wherever possible, be sent a copy of the manuscript. REFEREEING PROCEDURE AND POLICY (1996) 1.10 Relationship with Communications Journals In cases where a preliminary report of the work described has appeared (for example in Chemical Communications), referees should alert the editor to any excessive and unnecessary repetition of material; this can arise in connection with communications journals in which the restrictions on length and the reporting of experimental data are less severe than those of Chemical Communications.Furthermore, the acceptability of the full paper must be judged on the basis of the significance of the additional information provided, as well as on the criteria outlined in the foregoing sections. 2.0 Contributions to Chemical Communic-ations Chemical Communications is intended as a forum for preliminary accounts of original and significant work, in any area of chemistry that is likely to prove of wide general appeal or exceptional specialist interest. Such preliminary reports should be followed up in most cases by full papers in other journals, providing detailed accounts of the work. It is Society policy that only a fraction of research work warrants publication in Chemical Communications, and strict refereeing standards should be applied.The benefit to the reader from the rapid publication of a particular piece of work before it appears as a full paper must be balanced against the desirability of avoiding duplicate publication. The needs of the reader, not the author, must be considered, and priority in publication should not be allowed to determine acceptability. Acceptance should be recommended only if, in the opinion of the referee, the content of the paper is of such urgency or impact that rapid publication will be advantageous to the progress of chemical research. Communications should be brief and not exceed two pages in the printed form including Tables and illustrations -a maximum of 1500 words for a purely textual communication. Only in exceptional circumstances will a Communication be allowed to extend to four printed pages.Lengthy introductions and discussion, extensive data, and excessive experimental details and conjecture should not be included. Figures and Tables will only be published if they are essential to understanding the paper. Referees may ask for sight of supporting data before reaching a decision. The refereeing procedure for Communications is the same as that for full papers, except that rapidity of reporting is crucial in order to maintain rapid publication. 3.0 Communications submitted to Analytical Communications and J. Anal. At. Spectrom. Criteria for acceptance of communications submitted to Analytical Communications and J. Anal. At. Spectrom. are broadly similar to those for contributions to Chemical Communications, except that they should be concerned specifically with analytical chemistry. Scientific importance (rather than urgency) is the main criterion for acceptance. A decision whether or not to publish rests with the Editor, who will obtain advice from at least one referee.4.0 Communications submitted to Perkin, Dalton or Faraday Transactions or J. Mater. Chem. Criteria for acceptance of Communications submitted to Perkin, Dalton or Faraday Transactions or J. Mater. Chem. are similar to those for contributions to Chemical Communications, except that the work will be of more specialist interest. For Perkin and Dalton Communications inclusion of key experi- mental data is expected. Assessment is carried out by a small nucleus of referees, consisting largely of members of the appropriate Editorial Boards.5.0 Contributions to Mendeleev Communic- ations Mendeleeu Communications, published jointly by the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Russian Academy of Sciences, is a sister publication to Chemical Communications, containing preliminary reports of the same type, in any area of chemistry. The majority of contributions are from Russian authors. Assessment involves two stages of refereeing. Manuscripts submitted to the Moscow Editorial Office are refereed initially by a Russian scientist. If found acceptable they are then reviewed by Western scientists chosen by the Royal Society of Chemistry. Manuscripts submitted to the UK Editorial Office undergo this two-stage refereeing process in reverse.6.0 X-Ray Crystallographic Work 6.1 All papers containing crystallographic determinations will be refereed by two referees, one a structural chemist. If the editor considers it advisable, the paper may also be sent to a specialist crystallographer for comment. Referees will not normally be expected to check values of structural parameters for publication (e.g.bond lengths and angles against atomic co- ordinates; this will be done after publication by the appropriate crystallographic data centre), but should still pay attention to the quality of the experimental crystallographic work. However, their primary concern should be such new chemistry as is involved in the structure.6.2 Papers will often contain the information in their titles that an X-ray structure determination has been carried out. However, this is not obligatory, especially if the X-ray determination forms only a minor part. Summaries should normally contain this information. 6.3 A structure referred to in a Communication will normally be fully refined. The Communication can then be considered to fulfil the archival function, and the structure determination may not require further detailed refereeing when presented as part of a full paper. In the full paper, the authorrsquo;s purpose will then be served by a simple reference back to the original communication. However, if the crystallography is discussed again at any length in the full paper, the data should be re-presented to the referees in full, and re-published if considered necessary. 6.4. There may be other cases when an author wishes to publish a full paper in which the result of a crystal structure determination is discussed, but in which details or extensive discussion are considered unnecessary. The crystallographer may even be omitted as a co-author (for example when the determination is carried out by a commercial company). If the author is able to show the referees that this procedure is appropriate, it will be allowed provided that it does not lead to unnecessary fragmentation. However, the author must provide, as supplementary information, sufficient data relating to the crystal structure determination to allow a referee to make sure that the point made is correct, and co-ordinates etc. will be deposited. The brief published description of the determination should be supplemented by appropriate reference to lsquo;unpub- lished workrsquo;. xxxiii
机译:JOURNALS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY Refereeing Procedure and Policy (1996) 1.0 Contributions to Dalton, Perkin and Faraday Transactions, J. Mater.Chem., The Analyst, J. Anal. At.光谱。和 J. Chem. Research 1.1 引言 本文件总结了用于评估提交给 J. Mater.Chem., The Analyst, J. Anal. At.Spectrom.和J. Chem. Research,并为参与此评估的裁判提供指南。1.2 主题论文按主题提交给各种期刊。如果认为某篇论文在RSC期刊上发表比作者建议的期刊更合适,审稿人应通知编辑。各期刊涵盖的主题如下。道尔顿交易(无机化学)。无机和有机金属化合物化学的所有方面,包括生物无机化学和固态无机化学;物理化学技术在研究其结构、性质和反应方面的应用,包括动力学和机理;新的或改进的实验技术和合成。法拉第交易(物理化学和化学物理)。气相动力学和动力学;分子束动力学和光谱学、光化学和光物理学;能量转移和松弛过程;激光诱导化学;分子、分子和气相配合物的光谱学;量子化学与分子结构;气态分子和配合物的统计力学;凝聚相的光谱学、统计力学和量子理论;计算化学和分子动力学;胶体与界面科学、表面科学、物理吸附与色谱科学、化学吸附与多相催化、沸石与离子交换现象;电极工艺、液体和溶液;固态化学(微观结构和动力学);缩合相中的反应;大分子和聚合物的物理化学;热力学;生物物理化学和辐射化学。Perkin Transactions 1(有机化学)。有机和生物有机化学的所有方面。这些包括所有类型的合成有机化学、有机金属化学、天然产物的化学和生物合成、分子结构与生物活性之间的关系、聚合物和生物大分子的化学,以及科学中具有独创性的药物和农业化学。Perkin Transactions 2(物理有机化学)。有机化学、有机金属化学和生物有机化学的物理化学方面,包括动力学、机理、结构、光谱和理论研究。这些主题包括生物过程的构效关系和物理方面,以及聚合物和生物大分子的研究。材料化学学报.材料的化学,特别是与先进技术相关的材料;材料建模;合成和结构表征;制造的物理化学方面;化学、结构、电学、磁学和光学特性;应用。分析师(分析科学)。分析化学各个方面的理论和实践,基础和应用,包括无机和有机化学,物理和生物方法,应用领域,如环境,临床,地质,工业,兽医,食品等。分析原子光谱学报.原子光谱技术(包括 ICP MS 和 XRF)的基础理论、实践和分析应用的发展。Journal of Chemical Research.化学的所有领域。该期刊的格式(S部分的一页或两页印刷提要,以及M部分作者全文打字稿的缩微版本)使其特别适合包含冗长实验部分或大量数据表的论文。1.3 程序 每份稿件由两名审稿人独立审议。审稿人的报告构成对相应编辑委员会的建议,编辑委员会有权对提交的稿件采取最终行动。编辑代表编辑委员会,负责所有行政和行政活动,并有权接受或拒绝论文。编辑有责任确保作者和审稿人之间尽可能达成一致;尽管在作者对评论的答复上可能需要再次咨询审稿人,但将尽可能避免进一步的审稿人.1.3.1 对分歧的裁决.如果两位裁判员的报告之间存在明显差异,或者如果作者和裁判员之间的分歧无法轻易解决,可以指定第三名裁判员作为裁判员。在极端情况下,可能会将差异报告给相应的编辑委员会以解决。当论文被审稿人推荐拒绝时,编辑将通知作者并返回稿件的顶部副本。如果作者认为拒绝的决定不公平,他们有权向编辑委员会提出上诉。编辑可以将任何被推荐给审稿人接受但编辑有疑问的论文提交给编辑委员会。1.3.2 匿名。裁判员的匿名性得到严格保护,报告应以不透露作者身份的措辞进行。审稿人不应通过编辑直接与作者沟通,除非该行为得到协会的批准。1.3.3 保密。审稿人应将收到的论文视为机密材料。在论文发表之前,审稿人从此类论文中获得的信息不能被引用。xxxi 裁判程序和政策 (1996) 1.4 政策 接受出版稿件的主要标准是它应该显着提高科学知识。不包含新实验结果的论文只有在以呈现化学知识进步的方式重新解释或总结已知事实或结果时,才可以考虑发表。如果化学成分被认为是令人满意的,跨学科领域的论文是可以接受的。在没有其他理想属性的情况下,报告结果被视为常规或微不足道的论文是不可接受的。虽然短篇论文是可以接受的,但协会强烈反对将大量工作碎片化为一些短篇出版物;这种不成体系很可能是拒绝的理由。文章的长度应与其科学内容相称;但是,作者在作品的呈现形式上被允许有各种自由度(与合理的简洁一致)。图表和流程图通常可以节省篇幅并澄清复杂的论点,除非它们无益或非常奢侈,否则不应删除。在产生真正澄清的情况下,允许使用彩色和/或半色调;请裁判就此提出建议。如果一篇论文作为一个整体被判断为适合期刊,则不应过分强调轻微的批评。编辑有责任确保使用合理简短的措辞,并协助作者以最合适的格式展示他的作品。但是,审稿人应该毫不犹豫地建议拒绝那些看起来写得无可救药的糟糕的论文。应该清楚地理解,审稿人的报告是保密的,编辑将自行决定将评论转交给作者。为了协助编辑,请审稿人指出哪些评论仅供考虑,与审稿人认为在论文被接受之前需要采取具体行动或给出充分答案的评论不同。审稿人可以要求查看未提交发表的支持数据,或查看已提交但尚未发表的先前论文。此类请求必须向编辑提出,而不是直接向作者提出.1.4.1 新化合物的认证。裁判员被要求从整体上评估支持所有新化合物的均匀性和结构的证据。没有硬性规定可以涵盖所有类型的化合物,但该协会的政策是,明确识别新化合物的证据应尽可能包括良好的元素分析数据;例如,分子离子的精确质量测量不能提供化合物纯度的证据,必须伴随着均匀性的独立证据。在没有确凿证据区分替代分子式的情况下,必须对低分辨率质谱法进行更多的保留。在没有元素分析数据的情况下,可以接受对该领域专家有说服力的适当证据。通常应提供分配结构所需的光谱信息。这些信息的完整性必须取决于具体情况;从不寻常的反应中获得的化合物或从天然来源中分离出的化合物的结构需要比从无可争议的结构的前体中获得的标准反应得出的化合物更有力的支持证据。提醒裁判员,需要严格要求他们的标准,但同时又要灵活地接受证据。1.5 标题和摘要 裁判员应牢记以下几点,对标题和摘要进行评论。一些组织出于当前意识的目的断章取义地使用论文标题。为了使这些系统能够充分地为化学家服务,标题必须围绕足够数量的科学词汇来写,这些词汇经过精心挑选,以涵盖论文的重要方面。摘要最好是自成一体的,这样就可以在不参考正文的情况下理解它们。1.6 审稿速度 编辑委员会急于保持并尽可能进一步缩短目前实现的出版时间。在这方面,审稿人应尽可能拖延地提交报告,如果长时间拖延似乎不可避免,应立即将稿件退回给编辑.1.7 替代审稿人的建议 编辑欢迎有能力处理特定主题领域的替代审稿人的建议。如果审稿人认为自己(在专业知识方面)不具备处理特定论文的能力,而且在高度专业化或新的研究领域,可能只有有限数量的专家可用,这些建议特别有用。在这种情况下,如果替代者和原审稿人在同一机构工作,则可以在通知编辑后直接传递稿件。1.8 短论文和信件 “短论文”发表在J.Chem. Research上。它们旨在描述基本上完整的作品,这些作品可以在两页或更少的印刷页中描述。它们不是初步通信,也不以任何方式替代化学通信,化学通信有额外的新颖性和紧迫性标准。一篇短文所包含的材料质量应与一篇完整的论文相同。由一些较大的项目引起的调查,但未被起诉到同等程度,特别适合这种形式。一篇短论文的长度通常不应超过8页左右的打字稿,包括图表、表格等。它应该包括一句话的摘要和讨论,但需要足够的实验细节。由于篇幅较长,它完整地出现在S部分,而M部分没有缩微版本。打算迅速发表这种格式的文稿。信件部分用于科学讨论,无意与媒体竞争出版更一般的问题,例如英国的化学。一封信的长度很少超过一列(大约 1-2 页的打字稿)。如果一封信具有争议性质,如果被接受,将征求其他涉案方的答复,以考虑与原信一起发表。9 篇论战论文 如果编辑认为一篇手稿具有论战性质,那么在可能的情况下,将向被批评论文的作者发送一份手稿的副本。审稿程序和政策 (1996) 1.10 与通讯期刊的关系 如果已经出现了所描述工作的初步报告(例如在《化学通讯》上),审稿人应提醒编辑注意任何过度和不必要的重复材料;此外,必须根据所提供的额外信息的重要性以及上述各节中概述的标准来判断完整论文的可接受性。2.0 对化学通讯的贡献 化学通讯旨在作为一个论坛,对任何化学领域中可能被证明具有广泛普遍吸引力或特殊专家兴趣的原创性和重要工作进行初步说明。在多数情况下,这些初步报告应在其他期刊上发表全文,提供详细的工作说明。根据学会的政策,只有一小部分研究工作值得在《化学通讯》上发表,并且应采用严格的审稿标准。在某一作品以全文形式出现之前迅速出版对读者的好处,必须与避免重复出版的愿望相平衡。必须考虑读者的需求,而不是作者的需求,不应允许出版的优先顺序来决定可接受性。只有当审稿人认为论文的内容具有紧迫性或影响力,以至于快速发表将有利于化学研究的进展时,才应建议接受。通信应简短,印刷形式的通信不应超过两页,包括表格和插图 - 对于纯文本通信,最多 1500 字。只有在特殊情况下,才允许将来文扩展到四页印刷页。不应包括冗长的介绍和讨论、广泛的数据以及过多的实验细节和猜想。只有当图表和表格对理解论文至关重要时,才会发表。在做出决定之前,裁判可能会要求查看支持数据。通讯的审稿程序与全文的审稿程序相同,只是报告的快速性对于保持快速发表至关重要。3.0 提交给Analytical Communications和J. Anal. At.光谱。接受提交给Analytical Communications和J. Anal. At.光谱。与对化学通讯的贡献大致相似,只是它们应该特别关注分析化学。科学重要性(而不是紧迫性)是接受的主要标准。是否发表由编辑决定,编辑将从至少一名裁判那里获得建议.4.0 提交给 Perkin、Dalton 或 Faraday Transactions 或 J. Mater 的通信。接受提交给 Perkin、Dalton 或 Faraday Transactions 或 J. Mater 的通信的标准。Chem.与对Chemical Communications的贡献类似,只是这项工作将更具专业性。对于Perkin和Dalton Communications,预计将包括关键的经验数据。5.0 对《门捷列夫通讯》的贡献 《门捷列夫通讯》由英国皇家化学学会和俄罗斯科学院联合出版,是《化学通讯》的姊妹刊物,包含任何化学领域的同类型初步报告。大部分贡献来自俄罗斯作家。评估包括两个阶段的裁判。提交给莫斯科编辑部的手稿最初由一位俄罗斯科学家审稿。如果发现可以接受,则由英国皇家化学学会选择的西方科学家进行审查。提交给英国编辑部的稿件将经历这个反向的两阶段审稿过程.6.0 X射线晶体学工作 6.1 所有包含晶体学测定的论文将由两名审稿人审稿,其中一位是结构化学家。如果编辑认为可取,也可以将论文发送给专业晶体学家征求意见。审稿人通常不会被要求检查结构参数的值以供发表(例如,键长和与原子坐标的角度;这将在适当的晶体学数据中心发表后完成),但仍应注意实验晶体学工作的质量。然而,他们主要关注的应该是结构中涉及的新化学.6.2 论文通常会在其标题中包含已进行 X 射线结构测定的信息。然而,这不是强制性的,特别是如果 X 射线测定仅占一小部分。摘要通常应包含此信息。6.3 通讯中提及的结构通常会得到充分完善。然后,可以认为来文履行了存档功能,当作为全文的一部分提交时,结构确定可能不需要进一步详细的裁判。在全文中,作者的目的将通过对原始通信的简单引用来实现。但是,如果在全文中再次详细讨论晶体学,则应将数据完整地重新呈现给审稿人,并在必要时重新发表。6.4. 在其他情况下,作者可能希望发表一篇完整的论文,其中讨论了晶体结构测定的结果,但其中的细节或广泛的讨论被认为是不必要的。晶体学家甚至可以被省略为共同作者(例如,当测定由商业公司进行时)。如果作者能够向裁判证明这一程序是适当的,只要它不会导致不必要的碎片化,就可以被允许。但是,作为补充信息,作者必须提供与晶体结构确定相关的足够数据,以便裁判确保所提出的观点是正确的,并且坐标等将被存放。在对确定的简要公开描述中,应适当提及“未发表的作品”。三十三



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