首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Multiphase Flow >Measurements and high-speed visualizations of flow boiling of a dielectric fluid in a silicon microchannel heat sink

Measurements and high-speed visualizations of flow boiling of a dielectric fluid in a silicon microchannel heat sink


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Experiments were conducted to investigate flow boiling heat transfer to a dielectric fluid in a silicon chip-integrated microchannel heat sink. Twenty-four microchannels, each 389 μm x 389 u.m in cross-section, were fabricated into the 12.7 mm x 12.7 mm silicon substrate. High-speed visualizations (at 12,500 frames per second) were performed simultaneously with heat transfer and pressure drop measurements to investigate the physics of flow boiling in parallel micro-channel arrays. At low heat fluxes, bubbly flow is dominant, with the bubbles coalescing to form vapor slugs as the heat flux is increased. At high heat fluxes, the flow regimes in the downstream portion of the microchannels are characteristic of alternating wispy-annular flow and churn flow, while flow reversal is observed in the upstream region near the microchannel inlet. Local heat transfer measurements, obtained at three flow rates ranging from 35 to 60 ml/min, show that at lower heat fluxes, the heat transfer coefficient increases with increasing heat flux. The heat transfer coefficient in fully developed boiling is seen to be independent of flow rate in this range. At higher heat fluxes (exceeding 542, 673, 730 kW/m2, respectively, for flow rates of 35, 47 and 60 ml/min), this trend is reversed, and the heat transfer coefficient decreases with further increases in heat flux due to partial dryout in some of the microchannels. Heat fluxes at which fully developed boiling is achieved depend on the flow rate. The pressure drop in fully developed boiling increases with increasing heat flux and is independent of flow rate for the test conditions considered in this work.
机译:进行实验以研究流沸腾传热到集成了硅芯片的微通道散热器中的介电流体。在12.7 mm x 12.7 mm的硅基板中制造了二十四个微通道,每个通道的横截面均为389μmx 389 um。高速可视化(每秒12,500帧)与传热和压降测量同时进行,以研究平行微通道阵列中流动沸腾的物理原理。在低热通量下,气泡流占主导地位,随着热通量的增加,气泡聚结形成蒸气团。在高热通量下,微通道下游部分的流动方式具有交替的细小环形流和搅动流的特征,而在微通道入口附近的上游区域则观察到流动逆转。在35至60 ml / min的三种流速下获得的局部传热测量结果表明,在较低的热通量下,传热系数随热通量的增加而增加。在此范围内,完全沸腾时的传热系数与流速无关。在较高的热通量下(对于35、47和60 ml / min的流量,分别超过542、673、730 kW / m2),这种趋势得到了逆转,并且传热系数随着热通量的进一步增加而降低,这是由于在某些微通道中部分变干。达到完全沸腾的热通量取决于流速。在完全展开的沸腾中,压降随热通量的增加而增加,并且与本文中考虑的测试条件下的流量无关。



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