首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases >Studies on risk of leprosy relapses in China: relapses after treatment with dapsone monotherapy.

Studies on risk of leprosy relapses in China: relapses after treatment with dapsone monotherapy.


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Based upon the data from the Chinese National System for Leprosy Surveillance, this paper reports on the relapses in 297,343 leprosy patients [multibacillary (MB) 106,518, paucibacillary (PB) 190,825] cured by dapsone monotherapy. A total of 11,055 (MB 8675, PB 2380) patients relapsed during an accumulated follow-up period of 4,229,050 patient-years (PY), giving an overall relapse rate of 3.72 per 100 cases or 2.61 per 1000 PY, i.e., 8.14% or 5.91 per 1000 PY over an average follow-up period of 13.8 +/- 8.4 years in MB patients and 1.25% or 0.86 per 1000 PY over an average period of 14.5 +/- 8.9 years in PB patients. For either the overall relapse rate per 100 cases or per 1000 PY, the differences between MB and PB patients were statistically significant, except during 36-40 years of follow up. For both MB and PB patients, the relapse rates showed consistently significant decreases year by year, particularly in PB patients whose relapse rate per 1000 PY was 1.21 in year 10 of follow up; whereas it remained more than 10 per 1000 PY in MB patients. In view of that, the overall relapse rates in MB and PB patients cured by dapsone monotherapy were acceptably low, and most of these patients have been followed up for more than a mean incubation period of observed dapsone relapse. Along with the further extension of follow up, the risk of relapse in dapsone-cured patients will not be expected to increase. This conclusion should be considered when planning policy for the management of patients released from dapsone monotherapy.
机译:根据中国国家麻风病监测系统的数据,本文报道了氨苯砜单药治愈的297,343例麻风病患者的复发[多杆菌(MB)106,518,多杆菌(PB)190,825]。在累计随访期间4,229,050个患者年(PY)期间,共有11,055名患者(MB 8675,PB 2380)复发,总复发率为每100例3.72或每1000 PY 2.61,即8.14%或MB患者平均随访13.8 +/- 8.4年为5.91 / 1000 PY,PB患者平均随访14.5 +/- 8.9年为每1000 PY 1.25%或0.86。对于每100例或每1000 PY的总体复发率,MB和PB患者之间的差异具有统计学意义,除了在36-40年的随访期间。对于MB和PB患者,复发率一直呈逐年显着下降的趋势,尤其是在随访的10年中,每1000 PY的复发率为1.21的PB患者;而在MB患者中,每1000 PY仍然超过10。有鉴于此,氨苯砜单一疗法治愈的MB和PB患者的总体复发率低得可以接受,并且对这些患者中的大多数进行了超过观察到的氨苯砜复发平均潜伏期的随访。随着随访的进一步延长,氨苯砜治疗的患者复发的风险将不会增加。在规划从氨苯砜单药治疗中释放出的患者的治疗策略时,应考虑该结论。



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