首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications >Trading-up on unmet expectations? Evaluating consumers' expectations in online premium grocery shopping logistics

Trading-up on unmet expectations? Evaluating consumers' expectations in online premium grocery shopping logistics


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Geography and retail store locations are inherently bound together; this study links food retail changes to systemic logistics changes in an emerging market. The later include raising income and education, access to a wide range of technologies, traffic and transport difficulties, lagging retail provision, changing family structure and roles, as well as changing food culture and taste. The study incorporates demand for premium products defined by Kapferer and Bastien [2009b. The Luxury Strategy. London: Kogan Page] as comprising a broad variety of higher quality and unique or distinctive products and brands including in grocery organic ranges, healthy options, allergy free selections, and international and gourmet/specialty products through an online grocery model (n = 356) that integrates a novel view of home delivery in Istanbul. More importantly from a logistic perspective our model incorporates any products from any online vendors broadening the range beyond listed items found in any traditional online supermarkets. Data collected via phone survey and analysed via structural equation modelling suggest that the offer of online premium products significantly affects consumers' delivery logistics expectations. We discuss logistics operations and business management implications, identifying the emerging geography of logistic models which respond to consumers' unmet expectations using multiple sourcing and consolidation points.
机译:地理位置和零售商店位置固有地绑定在一起;这项研究将食品零售变化与新兴市场中的系统物流变化联系起来。后者包括增加收入和接受教育,获得各种技术,交通和运输困难,零售供应落后,家庭结构和作用改变以及饮食文化和口味改变。该研究纳入了Kapferer和Bastien [2009b。奢侈品策略。伦敦:Kogan页],通过在线杂货店模型(n = 356)包含了各种更高质量的产品,独特或独特的产品和品牌,包括杂货店的有机食品,健康食品,无过敏食品以及国际和美食/特色产品。融合了伊斯坦布尔送货上门的新颖视角。从物流角度更重要的是,我们的模型整合了任何在线供应商提供的任何产品,从而扩大了范围,超出了任何传统在线超市中列出的商品范围。通过电话调查收集的数据以及通过结构方程模型进行分析的结果表明,在线优质产品的提供会显着影响消费者对交付物流的期望。我们讨论了物流运营和业务管理的涵义,确定了物流模型的新兴地理区域,这些物流模型通过使用多个采购和合并点来满足消费者未满足的期望。



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