首页> 外文期刊>British journal of psychology >The role of personal values and basic traits in perceptions of the consequences of immigration: A three-nation study

The role of personal values and basic traits in perceptions of the consequences of immigration: A three-nation study


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Using data from Italy, Spain, and Germany (N= 1,569), this study investigated the role of basic values (universalism and security) and basic traits (openness and agreeableness) in predicting perceptions of the consequences of immigration. In line with Schwartz's (1992) theory, we conceptualized security as having two distinct components, one concerned with safety of the self (personal security) and the other with harmony and stability of larger groups and of society (group security). Structural equation modelling revealed that universalism values underlie perceptions that immigration has positive consequences and group security values underlie perceptions that it has negative consequences. Personal security makes no unique, additional contribution. Multi-group analyses revealed that these associations are invariant across the three countries except for a stronger link between universalism and perceptions of the consequences of immigration in Spain. To examine whether values mediate relations of traits to perceptions of immigration, we used the five-factor model. Findings supported a full mediation model. Individuals' traits of openness and agreeableness explained significant variance in security and universalism values. Basic values, in turn, explained perceptions of the consequences of immigration.
机译:使用来自意大利,西班牙和德国(N = 1,569)的数据,本研究调查了基本价值(普遍主义和安全性)和基本特征(开放性和可取性)在预测对移民后果的认识中的作用。与Schwartz(1992)的理论相一致,我们将安全性概念化为具有两个截然不同的组成部分,一个涉及自我安全(人身安全),另一个涉及较大群体和社会的和谐与稳定(群体安全)。结构方程模型表明,普遍主义价值观是对移民产生积极影响的看法的基础,群体安全价值观是对移民产生负面影响的看法的基础。人身安全并没有做出独特的额外贡献。多组分析显示,这三个国家之间的联系是不变的,除了普遍主义与对西班牙移民后果的看法之间的联系更加紧密。为了检验价值观是否介导特质与移民观念之间的关系,我们使用了五因素模型。调查结果支持完整的调解模型。个人的开放性和友好性特征解释了安全性和普遍主义价值观的重大差异。基本价值反过来解释了对移民后果的看法。



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