首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Cardiology >High prevalence of 'mitral valve prolapse syndrome' (MVPS) among older children and adolescents in a contained population

High prevalence of 'mitral valve prolapse syndrome' (MVPS) among older children and adolescents in a contained population


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Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) is a disorder of closure of mitral valve and billowing out of the valve during cardiac systole [1]. Pathophysiol-ogy of MVP is thought to be a continuing process of repeated minor injury and repair occurring during the cardiac cycle in a mitral valve with minor congenital anatomical variations in the valve apparatus. This may explain the age dependent development and progression of prolapse. Two distinct types of 'mitral valve prolapse' (MVP) are recognized. The primary or the classic type is also known as mitral valve prolapse syndrome (MVPS). It is associated with abnormalities of mitral valve leaflets as well as perivalvular supportive tissue such as chordae tendineae and annulus. In addition, MVPS is also associated with extra cardiac manifestations such as skeletal, connective tissue and neurop-sychiatric features. In the secondary or non-classic type, the defect is restricted to mitral valve without perivalvular or systemic manifestations.
机译:二尖瓣脱垂(MVP)是一种二尖瓣关闭不全和在心脏收缩期间从瓣膜中翻滚出来的疾病[1]。 MVP的病理生理学被认为是在二尖瓣的心动周期中重复的轻度损伤和修复的持续过程,在瓣膜装置中先天性解剖学变化较小。这可以解释年龄依赖性的脱垂发展和进展。人们认识到两种不同类型的“二尖瓣脱垂”(MVP)。主要类型或经典类型也称为二尖瓣脱垂综合征(MVPS)。它与二尖瓣小叶以及脉络膜支持组织(如腱索和腱环)异常相关。此外,MVPS还与额外的心脏表现有关,例如骨骼,结缔组织和神经电生理特征。在继发性或非经典性类型中,缺损仅限于二尖瓣而无周围性或全身性表现。



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