首页> 外文期刊>British journal of ophthalmology >Face-down posturing after macular hole surgery: a meta-analysis.

Face-down posturing after macular hole surgery: a meta-analysis.


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AIMS To assess the effect that the duration of face-down posturing has on the outcome of macular hole surgery. METHODS A literature search was conducted to identify studies related to posturing duration following macular hole surgery. Where appropriate, studies were compared in a meta-analysis. The Mantel-Haenszel fixed-effect method was used to calculate the summary statistics. The main outcome measures were macular hole closure rate and visual acuity improvement. RESULTS 17 studies investigating the effect of face-down posturing time on the outcome of macular hole surgery were identified. 9 studies included a comparison group and were deemed suitable for inclusion in the meta-analysis. Studies were divided into two groups depending on the duration of face-down posturing investigated. The meta-analysis revealed an RR of anatomical failure of 1.34 (95% CI 0.66 to 2.72) with face-down posturing for 24 h or less compared with face-down posturing for 5-10 days, but this was not statistically significant (p=0.42). The study design was too dissimilar to allow a meaningful comparison of visual acuity outcomes. CONCLUSIONS Currently there is insufficient evidence to allow firm conclusions as to whether face-down posturing following macular hole surgery influences hole closure rates. Meta-analyses are limited by the quality of included studies; a well-conducted randomised control trial is needed.
机译:目的评估脸部朝下姿势持续时间对黄斑裂孔手术结局的影响。方法进行文献检索以鉴定与黄斑裂孔术后姿势持续时间有关的研究。在适当的情况下,在荟萃分析中比较研究。使用Mantel-Haenszel固定效应方法来计算汇总统计量。主要结果指标是黄斑裂孔闭合率和视力改善。结果确定了17项研究,研究了朝下的姿势时间对黄斑裂孔手术结局的影响。 9个研究包括一个比较组,被认为适合纳入荟萃分析。根据所研究的面朝下姿势的持续时间,将研究分为两组。荟萃分析显示,与面朝下姿势放置5至10天相比,面朝下姿势放置24 h或更短时间后,解剖学失败的RR为1.34(95%CI为0.66至2.72),但无统计学意义(p = 0.42)。该研究设计过于不同,无法对视力结果进行有意义的比较。结论目前尚无足够的证据就黄斑裂孔手术后朝下的姿势是否会影响闭孔率有确切的结论。荟萃分析受限于纳入研究的质量;需要进行良好的随机对照试验。



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