首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Astrobiology >Unfrozen subsurface water on Mars: presence and implications

Unfrozen subsurface water on Mars: presence and implications


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It has been concluded from measurements, recently made by Mars Odyssey experiments, that there is water in the upper few metres of the Martian surface at mid- and equatorial latitudes with regionally high contents of up to about 9 wt%. This Martian subsurface water is shown to be in the form of adsorption (or sorption) water. The adsorptive bond of water molecules is about twice as strong on mineral surfaces compared with on water ice. Therefore, evaporation of adsorption water in porous soil happens on time sales, which exceed those of sublimation of water ice by orders of magnitude. Consequently, sorption water can have survived in the near-surface layers of the Martian soil at mid- and equatorial latitudes over geological time scales, where ice must have been lost by sublimation. Sorption water is unfrozen, i.e. liquid-like, down to temperatures of -40 ℃ and below. It must, at least regionally and temporarily, be an important and not a trace constituent of the upper-surface Martian soil. The presence of liquid-like sorption water on Mars is also discussed in view of exobiological implications.
机译:根据火星奥德赛实验最近进行的测量得出的结论是,在中纬度和赤道纬度的火星表面上方几米处存在水,区域内的高含量水含量高达9 wt%。该火星地下水显示为吸附(或吸附)水的形式。与水冰相比,水分子在矿物质表面的吸附键约强两倍。因此,多孔土壤中吸附水的蒸发会按时发生,这比水冰的升华要高几个数量级。因此,在一定的地质时间范围内,吸附水可以在中纬度和赤道纬度的火星土壤近地表层中幸存下来,在那里冰必定会因升华而流失。吸附水未冻结,即呈液体状,温度降至-40℃或更低。它必须至少在区域和暂时上是重要的,而不是火星上表面土壤的微量成分。考虑到外部生物学的影响,还讨论了火星上类似液体的吸附水的存在。



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