首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics >Workload and physical capacity among ageing municipal employees - a 16-year follow-up study

Workload and physical capacity among ageing municipal employees - a 16-year follow-up study


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The main purpose of this study was to ascertain musculoskeletal and cardiovascular capacity among ageing employees in relation to workload over a period of 16 years. As the more specific aims were to find out firstly if the physical capacity was different among subjects who had high workload compared with subjects who had low workload and secondly if the changes in physical capacity during the follow-up period were different between subjects with high workload than among subjects with low workload The data were obtained by physical capacity tests and field measurements (assessments of musculoskeletal and cardiovascular load). The study group consisted of 95 middle-aged subjects who were on average 51.9 years old at the beginning of the follow-up in 1981 and they were all employed. In 1997 they were 67.3 years and 93 of the subjects had retired. The sample represented workers who were employed in municipal occupations in different regions of Finland. During the 16-year follow-up period age-related decline in physical capacity was observed. In general the subjects with low workload had better physical capacity than the subjects with high workload, especially among women. The improvements in physical capacity were more common than declines among subjects with low physical workload over the follow-up period. Among subjects with high physical workload the situation was mostly vice versa. However, the declines in isometric trunk extension strength and in aerobic capacity were more common among subjects with physically low workload than among subjects with high workload. The differences between high and low workload groups in physical capacity were larger among women than among men. It was concluded that physical workload seems to have more wearing effects than training effects on ageing workers.
机译:这项研究的主要目的是确定与16年工作量相关的老龄员工的肌肉骨骼和心血管功能。因为更具体的目的是首先要找出工作量大的受试者与工作量低的受试者之间的身体能力是否不同,其次是在随访期间工作量高的受试者之间的身体能力的变化是否不同数据是通过体能测试和野外测量(评估肌肉骨骼和心血管负荷)获得的。该研究小组由95名中年受试者组成,他们在1981年开始随访时平均年龄为51.9岁,并且全部受雇。 1997年为67.3岁,其中93位受试者退休。样本代表在芬兰不同地区从事市政职业的工人。在16年的随访期内,观察到与年龄相关的体力下降。通常,工作量低的受试者的身体承受能力要好于工作量高的受试者,尤其是女性。在后续期间,身体活动量低的受试者中,身体能力的提高比下降的情况更普遍。在身体负荷较高的受试者中,情况反之亦然。然而,等高躯干伸展强度和有氧运动能力的下降在工作量较低的受试者中比在工作量较高的受试者中更普遍。妇女的高工作量组和低工作量组之间的差异比男人大。结论是,对老年工人而言,身体的工作量似乎比训练效果具有更多的磨损效果。



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