首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics >Manual materials handling and related occupational hazards: a national survey in France

Manual materials handling and related occupational hazards: a national survey in France


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A large cross-sectional survey in France was conducted to describe occupational hazards at the workplace including absence or presence of manual materials handling (MMH) with the number of hours per week and several psychosocial and physicalhazards including various risk factors of musculoskeletal disorders. The frequency of MMH across economic activities was described for the 48,190 workers in the survey. The highest occurrences of intensive MMH were observed in the manufacture of wood,paper, wood and paper prod nets, retail trade and repair, manufacture of food products, manufacture of mineral products, wholesale trade, transport, and construction. High occurrences were not limited to blue collar workers, but extended to shop and store employees, hotel and restaurant workers, and care workers. The study of associations between MMH and other occupational hazards emphasized situations with simultaneous exposure to MMH and other risk factors of musculoskeletal disorders.
机译:法国进行了一项大型的横断面调查,描述了工作场所的职业危害,包括是否有手工材料处理(MMH),以及每周工作时数,以及几种心理社会和身体危害,包括各种肌肉骨骼疾病的风险因素。调查中描述了48,190名工人在整个经济活动中MMH的频率。在木材,纸张,木材和纸质产品网的制造,零售贸易和维修,食品产品的制造,矿物产品的制造,批发贸易,运输和建筑中,发生密集型MMH的发生率最高。高发事件不仅限于蓝领工人,而且还扩展到商店和商店员工,酒店和饭店工人以及护理人员。 MMH与其他职业危害之间的关联性研究强调了同时暴露于MMH和其他肌肉骨骼疾病危险因素的情况。



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