首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Fracture >A micromechanical constitutive model for dynamic damage and fracture of ductile materials

A micromechanical constitutive model for dynamic damage and fracture of ductile materials


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This paper proposes a detailed theoreticalanalysis of the development of dynamic damage inplate impact experiments for the case of high-puritytantalum. Our micro-mechanical model of damage isbased on physical mechanisms (void nucleation andgrowth). The model is aimed to be general enough tobe applied to a variety of ductile materials subjected tohigh tensile pressure loading. In this respect, the workof Czarnota et al. (J Mech Phys Solids 56:1624-1650,2008) has been extended by introducing the conceptof nucleation law and by entering a nonlinear formula-tion of the elastic response based on the Mie-Gruneisen equation of state. This later aspect allows us to con-sider high impact velocities. All model parameters aredirectly assessed by experimental measurements to theexception of the nucleation law which is characterizedby the way of an inverse identification method usingthree free-surface velocity profiles (at low, intermedi-ate and high impact velocities). It is shown that thenucleation law can be consistently determined in therange of operating pressures. The nucleation law beingidentified, the development of internal damage happensto be a natural outcome of the modelling. The model isapplied to predict damage development and free-sur-face velocity profiles for various test conditions. Thevariety and the quality of results support the physicalbasis (in particular micro-inertia effects) upon whichthe proposed model of dynamic damage is based.
机译:本文针对高纯钽金属板冲击试验中动态损伤的发展提出了详细的理论分析。我们的损伤微力学模型基于物理机制(空核和生长)。该模型旨在具有足够的通用性,可应用于承受高拉伸压力载荷的各种延性材料。在这方面,Czarnota等人的著作。 (J Mech Phys Solids 56:1624-1650,2008)通过引入成核定律的概念并基于米氏-格鲁内森状态方程输入弹性响应的非线性公式得到了扩展。后面的方面使我们可以考虑高冲击速度。所有模型参数均通过实验测量直接评估成核定律,该成核定律的特征在于使用三个自由表面速度剖面(在低,中和高冲击速度下)的逆识别方法。结果表明,可以在工作压力范围内一致地确定成核规律。在确定了成核规律之后,内部破坏的发生恰好是建模的自然结果。该模型适用于预测各种测试条件下的损伤发展和自由表面速度分布。结果的多样性和质量支持所提出的动态损伤模型所基于的物理基础(尤其是微惯性效应)。



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