
Economics and NHS reform.


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Economics is the discipline that deals with the analyses of behaviour when scarcity exists. There is no doubt at the moment, that following the recent economic crises in the UK, there has been considerable anxiety about how much and in what way we can continue to spend money on the NHS. Central to this debate is the belief that in many instances the benefits are not coming through in the significant ways one would have expected. There are signs that disillusionment reigns and the recent NHS reforms will not make things better, and could even make things far worse. The Observer (2011) recently published the findings of an opinion poll by 'YouGov,' the first of its kind to gauge opinion on the controversial shake-up, which suggested that a recent push by ministers to sell the plans to NHS users had fallen largely on deaf ears. Only 27% of people apparently back moves to allow profit-making companies to increase their role in the NHS. The Health Secretary, Andrew Lansley, plans to allow groups of GPs in England to commission pound80 billion per year for care of their patients from April 2013, and from 'any willing provider'.
机译:当存在稀缺性时,经济学是处理行为分析的学科。目前毫无疑问,在英国最近发生经济危机之后,人们对我们可以继续花多少钱和以何种方式继续向NHS投入资金感到非常焦虑。这场辩论的核心是相信,在许多情况下,收益不会以人们期望的重大方式实现。有迹象表明,幻灭情绪盛行,最近的NHS改革不会使事情变得更好,甚至会使事情变得更糟。 《观察家报》(2011年)最近发表了“ YouGov”的民意调查结果,这是首次评估有争议的人事变动的意见,这表明部长们最近向NHS用户出售该计划的推动力有所下降。在很大程度上充耳不闻。显然只有27%的人后退以允许营利性公司增加其在NHS中的作用。卫生部长安德鲁·兰斯利(Andrew Lansley)计划允许英格兰的全科医生从2013年4月起每年从“任何愿意的提供者”中委托800亿英镑用于护理患者。



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