首页> 外文期刊>Journal of health politics, policy and law >Making the best of hard times: how the nation's economic circumstances shaped the public's embrace of health care reform.

Making the best of hard times: how the nation's economic circumstances shaped the public's embrace of health care reform.


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The U.S. Congress enacted expansive (and expensive) health care reforms amid the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. Public acquiescence provided crucial political cover; elites on both sides struggled mightily to sway popular opinion. Were reformers' efforts made easier or more difficult by the tough economic times? Using newly available data on Americans' perceptions of economic insecurity and attitudes toward public policy, this article explores the relationship between economic circumstances and political attitudes. The findings suggest that the Great Recession both facilitated and impeded efforts to rally the public in favor of reform: perceptions of past declines in the U.S. economy bolstered government intervention, but household economic insecurity both distracted attention from large medical expenses (which otherwise legitimized collective action) and undermined Americans' support for additional government spending. Equally consequential, reformers' efforts to adapt to economic stringency by portraying reform as exclusively about affordability missed opportunities for broadening popular support for these interventions; in the longer run this may, unless corrected, prove a decisive misstep in shepherding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act through its long time line of implementation.
机译:在大萧条以来最严重的经济衰退中,美国国会颁布了广泛(且昂贵)的医疗保健改革措施。公众默认提供了关键的政治掩护;双方的精英竭尽全力地影响民意。在艰难的经济时期,改革者的努力变得容易了还是更加困难了?本文使用有关美国人对经济不安全感和对公共政策态度的看法的最新数据,探讨了经济状况与政治态度之间的关系。研究结果表明,大萧条既促进也阻碍了民众团结起来以支持改革的努力:人们对美国经济过去的衰落的看法支持了政府的干预,但是家庭经济的不安全感都分散了人们对巨额医疗费用的关注(否则会使集体行动合法化) ),削弱了美国人对政府额外支出的支持。同样,结果是,改革者通过将改革仅仅描述为负担能力来适应经济严紧的努力,却错过了扩大民众对这些干预措施的支持的机会;从长远来看,这可能会导致决定性的失误,除非予以纠正,否则将导致其在较长的实施期限内推广《患者保护和负担得起的护理法案》。



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