首页> 外文期刊>International journal of e-health and medical communications. >Performance Evaluation of Color Retinal Image Quality Assessment in Asymmetric Channel VQ Coding

Performance Evaluation of Color Retinal Image Quality Assessment in Asymmetric Channel VQ Coding


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The RGB color retinal image has an interesting characteristic, i.e. the G channel contains more important information than the other ones. One of the most important features in a retinal image is the retinal bloodvessel structure. Many diseases can be diagnosed based on in the retinal blood vessel, such as micro aneurysms that can lead to blindness. In the G channel, the contrast between retinal blood vessel and its background is significantly high. The authors explore this retinal image characteristic to construct a more suitable image coding system. The coding processes are conduct in three schemes: weighted R channel, weighted G channel, and weighted B channel coding. Their hypothesis is that allocating more bits in the G channel will improve the coding performance. The authors seek for image quality assessment (IQA) metrics that can be used to measure the distortion in retinal image coding. Three different metrics, namely Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), Structure Similarity (SSIM), and Visual Information Fidelity (VIF) are compared as objective assessment in image coding and to show quantitatively that G cltannel has more important role compared to the other ones. The authors use Vector Quantization (VQ) as image coding method due to its simplicity and low-complexity than the other methods. Experiments with actual retinal image shows that the minimum value of SSIM and VIF required in this coding scheme is 0.9940 and 0.8637.



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