首页> 外文期刊>International journal of environmental health research >One-year follow-up of patients with melamine-induced urolithiasis in Southwest China

One-year follow-up of patients with melamine-induced urolithiasis in Southwest China


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In 2008, more than 290,000 children suffered from urinary tract stones with a history of consuming melamine-contaminated powdered formula in China. Little was known about the long-term follow-up of outcomes of these patients in southwest China, so we conducted one-year follow-up investigation for further study. Thirty-six of 51 inpatients with melamine-induced urolithiasis were enrolled in this study. After 12 months follow-up, none of the children had vomiting, oliguria, gross hematuria, or fever. Twenty-seven patients were stone free, stones decreased in size in six patients and increased in three. Serum total protein, albumin, and pre-albumin increased significantly from baseline to 12 months, and renal function remained normal. Melamine-induced urolithiasis could not lead renal dysfunction at 12 months follow-up. The results of our study indicated that more attention should be paid to the prevention of protein malnutrition in children with a history of consuming melamine-contaminated food products.



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