首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Ecological Economics & Statistics >Propagation of Argan (Argania Spinosa (L.) Skeels) by Seeds: Effects of Temperature and Soaking on Seed Germination of Two Taxa in Algeria

Propagation of Argan (Argania Spinosa (L.) Skeels) by Seeds: Effects of Temperature and Soaking on Seed Germination of Two Taxa in Algeria

机译:种子对Argan(Argania Spinosa(L.)Skeels)的繁殖:温度和浸泡对阿尔及利亚两个分类单元种子萌发的影响

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The aim of this study was to determine the germination characteristics of argania spinosa, the argan tree is a xerophitic species, found in semi-arid and arid climates that possesses. Specific ecological characteristics and holds interest in forestry,as fodder, and for its fruit. By regenerating the argan tree in the laboratory, we loamed that pre-soaking seeds for at least four days, contributes to successful germination. Our germination tests revealed a notably high germination rate 95% for seedspre-soaked in water for 96 and 120 hours in temperature of 30 ' C to 25 ° C and relatively high germination rates of 50% to 70% for seeds pre-soaked for 120 hours under a temperature of 22 ' C. The minimum germination rate (60%) was observed for seeds pre-soaked 96 hours at 22° C.
机译:这项研究的目的是确定刺槐属植物Argania spinosa的发芽特性,该植物是半干旱和干旱气候下发现的旱生植物。具有特殊的生态特性,对林业,饲料及其果实具有浓厚的兴趣。通过在实验室中再生摩洛哥坚果树,我们厌恶了将种子预先浸泡至少四天,这有助于成功发芽。我们的发芽测试显示,在30'C至25°C的温度下在水中预先浸泡96和120小时的种子发芽率高达95%,而在120°C下预先浸泡的种子发芽率则高达50%至70%在22°C的温度下浸泡24小时。观察到在22°C下预浸泡96小时的种子的最低发芽率(60%)。



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