首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of E-Collaboration >Towards an Affordance-Based Theory of Collaborative Action (CoAct)

Towards an Affordance-Based Theory of Collaborative Action (CoAct)


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Collaborative Action provides a novel approach to modeling interaction among users and machines and IT-mediated collaboration among people to solve problems. CoAct extends the notions of affordance and moves away from idiosyncratic, subjective mental models of the world to the notion that actors with similar capacities to act can potentially discern similar action possibilities in the world. It changes the direction from discovery and alignment of internal representations to mutual attunement of collaborators to build sufficient capabilities, share informational structures, and calibrate selectivity to achieve shared affordances. CoAct has the potential to influence such diverse areas as usability engineering, information overload, and group decision making. CoAct can be used at multiple levels of granularity, from fine granularity of a single interaction to tracking intermediate progress and results of a set of interactions. Propositions based on CoAct are presented. An initial experiment provides some support for an affordance-based approach to information sharing/design.
机译:协作行动提供了一种新颖的方法来建模用户与机器之间的交互以及人们之间由IT中介的协作以解决问题。 CoAct扩展了负担的概念,并从世界的特质,主观的心理模型转移到这样一种观念,即具有类似行动能力的行为者可以潜在地识别世界上类似的行动可能性。它改变了从内部表示的发现和对齐到合作者相互协调的方向,以建立足够的能力,共享信息结构并校准选择性以实现共享的能力。 CoAct可能会影响可用性工程,信息过载和团队决策等各个领域。 CoAct可用于多个粒度级别,从单个交互的精细粒度到跟踪中间进度和一组交互的结果。提出了基于CoAct的主张。初始实验为基于共享能力的信息共享/设计方法提供了一些支持。



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