首页> 外文期刊>British journal of nursing: BJN >Older people and barriers to self-reporting of chronic pain.

Older people and barriers to self-reporting of chronic pain.


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Too many older adults live with the negative consequences of chronic pain and its detrimental impact on quality of life. To explore this, an extended literature review was conducted to identify barriers the older person encountered in the self-reporting of their chronic pain. Four themes were found to mediate help-seeking behaviour. Attitudes such as stoicism, beliefs such as pain being a necessary part of ageing, and the external barriers generated by health professionals, all have a multidimensional relationship with the 'decision' to seek help for pain. Personality and the perceived importance of independence were found to influence these responses. The findings imply that communication between the health professional and patient needs to improve during the more comprehensive assessment of chronic pain. To achieve such improvements, it is first necessary to eradicate ageist attitudes held both by the elderly and within health care.



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