
UV-B cloud optical properties for Canada


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Cloud optical properties play a highly significant role in the amount of UV-B irradiance reaching the ground. Broadband values of UV-B cloud optical properties are calculated for nine Canadian stations from 26 years of data. Cloud single scattering albedo ω_c and asymmetry factor g_c are computed from Mie theory for two values of equivalent droplet radius; 7 μm for arctic stations and 10 μm for midlatitude and subarctic stations. Overcast cloud optical depths τ_c are estimated iteratively for a model cloud layer located between 2 and 3 km above the surface from hourly integrated spectral Brewer spectrophotometer measurements for snow-free cases using either the discrete ordinate radiative transfer (DISORT) or the delta-Eddington algorithms. Median τ_c values calculated by both algorithms compare to within 3%. Median values are smaller for arctic stations (9-18) and between 26 and 38 for the rest. Both mean and median values are negatively correlated with latitude. Aerosol effect on τ_c varies between 9 and 18% on average.
机译:云的光学性质在到达地面的UV-B辐射量中起着非常重要的作用。根据26年的数据,为加拿大的9个气象站计算了UV-B云光学特性的宽带值。根据米氏理论,针对两个等效液滴半径的值,计算了云单散射反照率ω_c和不对称因子g_c。北极站为7μm,中纬度和亚北极站为10μm。使用离散坐标辐射转移(DISORT)或德尔塔-爱丁顿算法,通过每小时积分光谱Brewer分光光度计测量无雪情况,对位于地面以上2至3 km之间的模型云层迭代估算阴云光学深度τ_c。 。两种算法计算出的τ_c中值相差不到3%。北极站点(9-18)的中值较小,其余站点的中值在26至38之间。平均值和中值都与纬度负相关。气溶胶对τ_c的影响平均在9%至18%之间。



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