首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies >At the nexus of economic independence and social cohesion: impact analysis of low input projects in Zimbabwe

At the nexus of economic independence and social cohesion: impact analysis of low input projects in Zimbabwe


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Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have dominated considerably in developing countries in alleviating a wide spectrum of stressors and strains that are rampant in most families. In 2008, the NGO Joint Initiative for Urban Zimbabwe initiated the lowinput gardens (LIGs) projects - special ways of growing many different types of vegetables in micro-gardens with minimum inputs. This paper focuses on assessing the impact of such projects akin to LIGs on the livelihood of the beneficiaries and the society at large from a theoretical perspective. The paper articulates the linkage of the family entity to the individual family members and to the community when there are coping resources injections of the LIGs projects form. Applying the double ABC-X andFAAR models, there are positive outcomes in form of socioeconomic transformations. Importantly, the study concluded that LIGs act as instruments that promote altruism, social cohesion and bonadaptation, and these traits subsequently follow economic independence.
机译:在发展中国家,非政府组织在减轻大多数家庭普遍存在的各种各样的压力源和压力方面起了相当大的主导作用。 2008年,非政府组织津巴布韦城市联合倡议发起了低投入花园(LIG)项目,这是在投入最少的微型花园中种植许多不同类型蔬菜的特殊方法。本文的重点是从理论角度评估类似于LIG的此类项目对受益人和整个社会的生计的影响。当LIG项目形式有应对资源注入时,本文阐明了家庭实体与个体家庭成员和社区之间的联系。应用双重ABC-X和FAAR模型,可以以社会经济转变的形式取得积极成果。重要的是,该研究得出的结论是,LIGs可以作为促进利他主义,促进社会凝聚力和适应能力的工具,这些特征随后具有经济独立性。



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